The Return of Disharmony: Part Two

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Bini and Arone followed the light that was shinning further down the corridor. They were keeping a safe distance to avoid detection. After many twists and turns, to the point where Bini was silently convinced that if they tried to get back on their own, they would be lost within one minute, they reached a room full of dusty books, a wooden table with a pillow to sit down on in the middle and an old lamp.

They peaked from the dark in the corridor as Celestia pulled multiple books about magic down. Bini adjusted her glasses and focused on one title that she could clearly see despite the condition of the book.

Dark Spells for the Advanced.

Bini used her hoof to stifle a gasp as Celestia opened it up and began reading in silence. Arone tugged on Bini's hoof that it was time for them to retreat back to the chaos outside. Bini had other plans of course. She ignored Arone, who was giving her warning glares as she put one hoof into the Library. Suddenly, she was engulfed by light green magic and dragged back. She struggled against it, trying to not make to much noise as Arone softly galloped back to the main entrance of the Catacombs. He had been careful to memorize it when he and Celestia made their way through it last time.

He slammed the Catacombs door shut and a very angry Bini was dropped to the cold marble floor in the dark Library.

"What the hay was that for!?" She spat out to an equally angry Arone.

"No! What the hay is up with you!? Are you trying to get fired?" Arone snapped back. Bini's ears dropped and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Of course not! But she is trying to use dark magic! Do you have any idea what that does to a pony? Not only do we have Discord running all over but soon we might have to deal with an insane Sun Princess!" She argued. Arone growled and fought to keep his voice straight to avoid saying anything he would regret.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that! She is an Alicorn! There is no way she would fall to the temtations of dark magic."

"Ha!" Bini let out a sarcasic laugh. "Like you would know. Y-"

The door to the catacombs swung open and Arone and Bini froze as Celestia stepped out. She came to an abrupt stop once she saw them with big eyes.

"Arone. Bini. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"We were looking for books on how to stop...Whatever is happening!" Arone quickly pointed out. Celestia nodded with a grim expression.

"I know how to fix this. Go. This is something I need to do by myself."

Arone and Bini hesitantly nodded and galloped out with haste. They shared a concerned look as they travelled farther away from the sun Princess.

"I have to admit." Bini said softly. "I don't trust her at the moment."


Celestia sat in her throne room. Awaiting Disocrd's arrival. She watched as the night and day changed within seconds. She heard the echos of chaos in the castle. She had not heard any updates from the mane 6 or Luna, who was currently in manhatten, defending the city as it was one of the worst area hit by Discord. Other than Ponyville of course.

She held her head high as a flsh of light appeared in front of her to form into Discord.

"Hello, precious Tia." He said. Celestia growled and slowly headed closer towards him. "I am more powerful than I was when I was turned to stone. That was rather rude by the way. Turning me to stone."

"Stop playing games, Discord. Or...I will use my full power to defeat you!" Celestia threatened. Discord chuckled and snapped his fingers, levitating her into the air and bring her closer to him.

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