Missing in Action

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Fluttershy flew through the air as fast as she could. Discord had left her house mere seconds after he teleported the visitors. The news of Princess Celestia's disappearance hadn't hit anywhere except Canterlot. But it was going to hit Ponyville quicker than anypony but Fluttershy knew.

Rainbow Dash was chillaxing on a cloud when a yellow pegasus passed her. Her expression told her she was on a mission. Rainbow Dash tossed off her sunglasses and flew after her friend.

"Fluttershy? Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called out as she flew alongside her friend. "What is going on that had got you so concerned?"

"P-Princess C-Celestia is missing!" She said in a panicked soft voice. Rainbow Dash watched the citizens of Ponyville as they passed overhead.

"W-What do you mean she is missing? As in missing from Canterlot or-"

"I don't k-Know! They just said she was missing! I-I need to see Twilight. She needs to send a letter to the Princess." Fluttershy stammered as the Golden Oaks Library came into the distance. Rainbow Dash tried to make sense of the situation as they both gracefully landed and Rainbow Dash knocked on Twilight's door, mid-morning.

A dishevelled Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike, who was wearing an apron for cooking, opened the door. She was using her magic to hold up some books and scrolls in the background.

"Good morning, girls!" She said with a tired smile and gestured them to come in. Spike said his greetings and ran back into the kitchen to prevent their breakfast from burning and Twilight returned to the table with the statue of a pony head in the middle of the Library where she put her supplies down. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Hey, Twi. Do you know where Princess Celestia is?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight raised an eyebrow towards the pair as Fluttershy began playing with her mane in an attempt to focus on something else.

"In Canterlot, I assume. Is there a reason you want to speak with her?" Twilight asked as she levitated a new scroll and quill beside her and dipped the quill into some ink.

"I...Um...I need some lessons!" Rainbow Dash blurted out. "She had been alive longer than anypony. She must know some great flying tricks!"

Twilight put down the quill and scroll. Then slowly approached her friends. Rainbow Dash was sweating and Fluttershy couldn't look her in the eyes. Something was very wrong.

"OK. Something is going on here. What is it?"


Luna galloped through the castle. Being careful to avoid any windows because the news reporters were getting bolder and bolder. There was a reporter or two at almost every window. Yelling through the glass for a statement. She managed to find the entrance of the underground dungeon where they kept dangerous ponies hundreds of years ago.

She opened the door and walked down stone stairs, followed by three bat pony guards for protection. She nodded to a guard who stood at the began of the hallway of cells.

"Which cells is the interrogation being held?"

"Cell 56, 55, and 54. Princess." The guard replied and pointed down the hall. Luna gave her thanks and walked down the dim wall constructed with concrete. She reached cells 56 and 55. She looked into both to see each one having a guard interrogate two maids from separate parts of the castle. She moved to cell 54 to see Bini Filters and an extra pony, who she recognized as Arone being interrogated by a guard.

Luna entered the cell and gestured for her guards to stay in the hall.

Everypony in the room looked over to her and she told them to continue. The unicorn guard, who wasn't a bat pony, made the friends' attention focus on him again. He leaned forward on the wooden table, separating the pair from the guard with a scowl.

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