The Box

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Bini balanced a stack of books on her back and used her magic to levitate a few scrolls as maids, guards, and assistants of all kinds galloped past her with wedding supplies. The Royal Canterlot Wedding was in less than a week and the entire castle was being set up. Bini glanced briefly outside to the shield surrounding Chanterlot to protect the ponies from an anonymous tip that a threat was looming.

She gasped as she felt the weight of the books being lifted from her back. She looked in alarm behind her, expecting to see them scattered onto the floor but instead was met with Chocolate Shadow moving to balance them on her own back with a smile.

"Hello, Miss. Filters! Did you have a good sleep?" She asked. Bini shrugged and rolled up her scrolls with her magic.

"Well, I took another all-nighter. The commotion from this...Wedding is driving me insane." She admitted with an angry sigh and rubbed the dark circles under her eyes. Then adjusted her scarf before continuing to trot down the corridor. Chocolate nodded in agreement and follow her carefully.

"Have you spoken to Prince Blueblood recently?" Chocolate asked. Bini raised an eyebrow towards her in interest.

"Blueblood? No. Why?" She asked.

"Well, there have been rumors that he spoke to both Princess Celestia and Luna to banish you from the castle during solar and Lunar court yesterday." Chocolate said with concern. Bini shrugged it off and seemed unconcerned by the news.

"Yeah, I heard that too. I am honestly not that concerned." Bini said. "The chances of Celestia or Luna actually considering that request is ridiculous. I...Errr...We have been doing a great job since the summit."

"What if he starts a protest?"

"A protest? There is no way he hates me that much to actually waste his time with a protest." Bini said. "Well, now that I think about it...He doesn't actually do much."

"If you get fired, will I lose my job?" Chocolate asked. Bini shook her head with a "no." But she honestly didn't know the answer. Then Bini watched as the stuffy Alicorn known for Love held her head high as she strutted down the corridor. How the Princess, know for "Love" can be so rude to others, she will never know.

They mumbled greetings to her with a bow as she looked at them as if they were trash, then continued on and headed out the nearest door to a bridge connecting two of the towers where Shining Armour and Twilight Sparkle stood arguing.

"Come on, Chocolate. We have to get these back to the Library." Bini interrupted Chocolate's daydream about being an alicorn and gestured her down the hall. "At this rate, we won't make it back there until the wedding."

Then suddenly another door burst open and Arone came galloping out, he used his magic to grab Bini, who yelled in alarm and galloped off with her. Leaving a very confused Chocolate Shadow.


Arone opened up a supply closet and shoved Bini in, then trotted in behind her and closed the door. Temporarily leaving them in darkness until Bini lit up the small closet with her magic and glared at him. He locked the door and looked back at her with fear.

"We have a problem."

"We sure do!" BIni barked. "What the hay was that? I am busy! You can-"

"Listen to me!" Arone snapped with irritation. "My Queen is trying to take over Canterlot and we need to stop her!"

"Your Queen...What the-What is that supposed to mean."

Arone overlooked the fact that Bini had read a paragraph about a theory on how Changelings are evil and didn't actually know anything about them. It was stupid on Bini's part and Arone's. He sighed and used his magic to make a bug like pony appear with bug pony minions surrounding her.

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