A reason

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For the second night in a row Harry opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He had just been drifting off to sleep when something brought him back to reality. He lay there listening intently, wondering if it was the same thing as yesterday. Soon his ears pricked as he heard the small noise come again from the room next door, your room. His breath caught in his chest, his tongue wet his lips, and his hand crept down his long torso towards his already hardening length.  He knew what you were doing in there. He could hear the soft moans that fell from your mouth and his mind was filled with what he imagined you looked like as you touched yourself. Your body lying under soft sheets, your fingers pressed into your swollen flesh at your center as you teased a moan from your own lips. His own groan escaped as he pressed a hand to his warm taut skin. He rubbed a thumb over his tip, smearing the small pearl that had already appeared. His mind blank except for images of you with your jaw slack, breaths coming fast as your own fingers pumped in and out. He groaned again. His ears strained to hear more of you and he was rewarded with another small whine. His fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft, stroking back and forth, back and forth, imagining that he was keeping pace with you. Faster and faster his speed increased, holding himself back until he heard you, through the walls, start to unravel. He heard you cry out, heard you utter a few curses. His own release coming with yours, punctuated by a groan deep in his chest. But then his heart skipped a beat, jumping into his throat. His own fist tightened around himself, making him flinch from the sensitivity.

Had he just heard you say his name? Were you thinking about him while you touched yourself?

It was these thoughts that kept Harry awake still long after you had finally fallen asleep. The number of times he had secretly watched you. The times that he had to fight to keep his hand from reaching out and touching you when you walked by. The deep breaths he held in when you walked out, fresh from the shower, wrapped only in a towel. In those moments he wanted to yank that towel from your body and lick every droplet of water from your skin.

But he never did. He would just clear his throat and keep on pretending that he didn’t dreamed of having those long legs wrapped around him as he buried himself inside you.

Harry rolled over in his bed. His sheets felt hot. His body felt sweaty. He was so uncomfortable.

And it was all your fault. Well, yours and these damn thin walls. 

It took a while, but finally he fell into a restless sleep.

The next morning, Harry untangled himself from his sheets and walked straight into his bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and scowled. It had a been a long sleepless night, the dark circles under his eyes telling the world that he had something on his mind. He splashed his face with cold water and pulled on a pair of soft loose joggers. With no shirt on and pants riding low on his hips, he walked out of his room.

Harry wanted to make sure that he hadn’t been hearing things last night. He didn’t want to make a move on you if you didn’t feel the same way about him as he did you.  But one look from you was all it would take for him to have you up against a wall, his lips attached to yours, coaxing a new series of sighs from you.

One look was all he wanted.

You were sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal in your hand as you watched telly.

"Morning.." Harry said as he walked past you and headed for the kitchen.

You turned your head at the sound of his voice and you watched with your bottom lip between your teeth as he made his way into the other room. “Morning!” You called after him and thought back to last night. For the last two nights you hadn’t been able to stop yourself when thoughts of Harry made their way to the forefront of your mind. Now here he was shirtless and with those damn low waistedsweats hanging off of his hips and all you wanted to do was take him right there on this couch.

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