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I still remember the look on your face

Lit through the darkness at 1:58

The words that you whispered

For just us to know

You told me you loved me

So why did you go away?

5 days. It had been 5 days since Harry ended us, it’s also been 5 days since I had dry eyes, 5 days 
since I could breathe, sleep or eat properly. It’s been the worst 5 days of my life, I still don’t understand why he broke up with me, I was so sure we were going great. He was being distant that day but I thought he just had a bad day at work or was pissed at one of the boys, what I never expected him to say was “us” when I asked what was wrong.  He told me that he didn’t think we should be in relationship anymore, that he didn’t feel the same way and that he can’t love me the way I want him to. 

We weren’t living together yet although we’ve been together for a little over 6 months, it was something we were talking about though which is why it was even more unexpected when he broke up with me. I still had some stuff that I left at his apartment that I needed to get though; I had a spare key for his apartment because I finished work before him a lot and he always loved me waiting on the couch for him when he finished his day. My boss gave me the day off today so I could go get everything I’ve left at Harry’s while he was working to avoid the awkward tension if he were home. 

I got to his apartment and unlocked the door, praying he was definitely at work. “Hello?” I called out once I stepped inside, thankfully I didn’t get an answer. I noticed it was messy, really really messy. Dirty dishes were piled in the sink and beer cans were all over the floor, the coffee table that we’ve spent so many Sunday mornings putting our feet on while drinking tea was flipped to its side with a plate on the floor smashed next to it. I tried to walk around the mess so I could make my way to our - his bedroom and pack whatever I had left behind. After 10 minutes of searching the room for my things, well 5 minutes of collapsing onto his bed and crying into his pillow and 5 minutes of actually packing, I decided that there shouldn’t be anything else of mine here so I made my way back out to the living room area. I tried my hardest to walk past the tipped coffee table and dirty dishes without cleaning them up but I knew he would never do it himself. That’s one of the things I loved about him, he was so lazy and I was constantly cleaning up after him but he knew I loved it because it made me feel like he depends on me for a change, rather than the other way around. I looked at the clock, 3pm it read, Harry usually gets home around 5 or 5:30 depending how busy his day was, “I should have enough time to just tidy the place” I thought to myself. 

Because I love your handshake, meeting my father

I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets

How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something

There’s not a day I don’t miss those rude interruptions

I made my way to the coffee table and turned it back around so it stood on its 4 legs again. I sat cross legged on the floor and began picking up all the items that fell off it, a tissue box, the TV remote, a smashed glass, a few editions of “The Rolling Stones” and a smashed photo frame. I dropped the frame as soon as I picked it up and realized it was a photo of me. I didn’t know he even had this, he was never one to take photos with me nor of me, so I thought, but I had never seen this photo before. Instantly I remember the memory this photo was from; it was the day he met my parents, we had been together for around 3 months then and my parents were begging me to take Harry down to meet them that weekend. We spent the weekend staying at my parents place; it was a large property with a shared lake out the back. He got along so well with my dad, which was crazy because I thought my dad would never get along with anyone I am with. They spent the whole day talking about classic cars and American muscle, dad was telling Harry that he has a 69’ Camaro that he is trying to get going and after Harry swore he knew how to fix it they were off in the garage until the late afternoon. 

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