Were Still Okay...

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    Harry and I had broken up about 2 years ago and while I had always believed that once you break up that should be it, that wasn’t an option for us. We had been dating for about 6 months when I had gotten pregnant with our daughter Lily. We knew that it was a lot to take on with us being young and Harry still touring but we loved each other and we really tried to make it work. Thinks were great until she was born. I wanted her to live a “normal” life and Harry wanted to take her on tour with him until the band was over. We disagreed and the fights continued from there. It was never that I wanted to keep her from him but rather I wanted to keep her from that life. It was hard being in the limelight. It was stressful and I didn’t want her to be put through that, especially at her age.

                We set up a schedule for the two of us to visit him on tour and while it was his turn I was free to do what I wanted in whatever country we were in. The only time I took care of her during his time was during his shows or interviews. She stayed in his room every night and when our visit was done the two of us flew back and continued our lives in London. We decided on London so that it would be easier to share custody when he was off from touring.

                It was time for our monthly visit and everything started off the same until we got to the arena. The guys were already there so Lily, a member of security, and myself made our way into the arena. We had to pass a large group of fans and they started screaming at me calling me names. The names didn’t bother me but the commotion really upset Lily. She started crying and I walked faster trying to get her inside so I could calm her down.

                Once we were inside she kept screaming for Harry. I tried to hush her while the security guard tried to find Harry. I heard loud footsteps running down the hallway and turned around to see Harry running towards us. ‘Lily, I’m here. Daddy’s here.’ He picked her up from my grip and positioned her on his hip. He turned to me seeing I was upset as well. With his free hand he rubbed my back. ‘What happened?’  “The fans were yelling and it upset her. I tried to protect her from it but it was…a lot.” He placed his hand on Lily’s head and pulled her closer so he could kiss her on her forehead. ‘It’s okay sweetie. You’re safe now.’ She continued to whimper as she calmed down. “Lily, it’s okay. You’re okay.” ‘Love, why don’t you come with me to the dressing room.’ “Okay.”

                Harry laced his hand on my waist at first to lead me before he quickly pulled it away and apologized. “It’s okay Harry.” We walked to the dressing room and everyone was so excited to see Lily. The minute she saw everyone all her hurt seemed to disappear. Harry placed her down and she ran to the other guys as they all started playing with her. He placed his arm around my shoulder and rubbing my arm. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ “Yeah. I’m just glad she isn’t upset anymore. Thank you.” ‘Of course. We actually just finished up sound check. Would you like to go to lunch with me and Lil?’ I smiled. “I’d like that.”

                We let Lily play with the guys for a bit longer before we said goodbye and headed back out to get the car. Harry made sure the car was pulled up a lot closer in hopes Lily wouldn’t get upset again. We headed to a restaurant not too far from the hotel we were staying at and got a table in the back corner. Lily seemed completely fine at that point and seemed like she completely forgot about earlier. We both played around with Lily between courses and got to all spend time together for the first time in a long time.

                Once we were done we headed back over to the arena and Harry got ready for the show. As the show went on I began to think about our day and how I was wrong. Even though I tried to shield Lily from this life she still experienced it and my attempts to hide her from it only made it worse for her. A “normal” life for her would have been all three of us together. It wasn’t right to take her from him. I continued to play with Lily until she fell asleep. I placed her down on the couch backstage and sat down next to her rubbing her back.

                When the show was done Harry made his way backstage and I helped him pick her up and get her into the car. We took her back to the hotel and Harry took her to his room and we said our goodnights. I went to my room and laid in my bed trying to fall sleep. I knew I needed to talk to Harry but I was afraid to say the least. We had never been able to talk about this without fighting and today was such a great day. We hadn’t had that great of a day together since Lily was born.

                I finally mustered up the courage to talk to him and made my way back to his room. I knocked on the door and I heard Harry shuffle to the door before he opened it. ‘Hey Y/N. Is everything okay?’ “Yeah. I was just wondering if we could talk?” ‘Yeah of course. Lily just fell asleep in the other room so I’m all yours.’ I walked in and sat down on the bed. ‘Are you okay love?’ “Yeah. I just wanted to apologize.” ‘For what? Today? You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing but try and protect her. You always do.’ “No Harry. Not that. About taking her from you.” Harry exhaled waiting for me to continue. “I realized today that I wasn’t protecting her by trying to hide her in London. She needs both of us and because of me she rarely has you. All she ever does when we’re home is ask for you. She misses you so much and I’m to blame.” ‘Hey. That’s not true. You are an amazing mom and you just wanted what you thought was best for her. Honestly when I fought to have her here I was saying it more from a selfish standpoint rather than what was best for her. Honestly, I don’t know what the best plan is for Lily but I think we should figure that out. If this isn’t working then the two of us should work out something else.’

We stayed up most of the night talking and working out a plan to make all of us happier. Before I knew it it was morning and I had fallen asleep on Harry. Harry rubbed my back and whispered my name to wake me up. I slowly opened my eyes before I realized where I was. “Sorry about falling asleep on you.” Harry smiled. ‘It’s fine love. I actually missed sleeping in a bed with you.’ I shook my head. “You’re a trouble maker.” Harry smirked. ‘You know you love it.’ “Ughh, I’m going to go check on Lily.” ‘I’ll come with you.’ Harry jumped up and followed behind me placing his hands on my hips. I squealed and squirmed out of his touch as we walked into her room. She was still peacefully asleep and decided to let her sleep a bit longer.

                Harry placed his arm around me and walked me back out to the main room. ‘Love?’ “Yeah?” ‘What would you say about staying here a bit longer? Maybe we could try this again. I mean us.’ “Really?” ‘Yeah. I’ve missed you. I know after two years I should have at least tried to move on but you’re pretty hard to get over.’ “So are you, you big dork.” Harry pretended to act offended. ‘Heyyyy.’ He pushed me down on the bed and began kissing me. I deepened the kiss before Lily walked in. “Daddy, what are you doing to mommy?” We both chuckled and Harry quickly got off me. He walked over to Lily and picked her up. ‘Nothing pumpkin, let’s all go get breakfast.’ “Very smooth daddy.” Harry winked at me and took my hand in his. ‘Why thank you mommy. Now let’s go get some food. I’m starving.’ 

A/n: Just because I know all of you are freask since I updated this fluff shit, I will update with something dirty ;) love you

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