Twenty Two

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Standing infront of the glass boutique occupying the front of the town with a view of the sea infront of it, was the classic boutique of the country's famous designer, Balki. This fashion designer has designed for numerous celebrities and movies. From early on in life, Gita had the habit of reading newspaper and not just the first five pages, it also included reading the page 3 gossip and sports. She remember reading about Balki since the beginning of her teenage or even before that and now that she was a full grown adult, Balki still looked young. Gita often wondered if these designers drank some anti aging syrup. How can he look like someone who has aged just two three years in two decades?

Gita couldn't believe that her wedding dress could be from Balki, who has designed for so many celebrities. She entered the boutique made of glass. Anand's boots taping on the wooden floor making a click sound when he walked. Gita who had worn sneakers, looked back to find the traces of her foot. She didn't want this posh store to have mud stains because of her.

Balki, the famous designer in his 40s, who has a successful career of two decades walked in front of her and was coming towards her. It was a bit surreal to see the man whom she had watched in her teens on Fashion TV, walking the ramp at the end of his show, coming towards her. Balki shook Anand's hand.

"Hello Anand. What a pleasure to have you here and this pretty lady here...I assume it to be your fiance. Hi Gitanjali." He looked at Gita from top to bottom, judging the way she dressed. Over the years, judging the way people dressed had become natural for him. He wouldn't demean them based on it once he hits it up with them but definitely he judged their shoes and the watch they wore. Gita's watch was okay. But her shoes. He couldn't stand to look at them. A  black and white pair of sneakers, nothing great about them, not even a classic. Just plain boring choice and the shoes had a hint of dust on them. On the other hand, Anand's  shoes were polished black, a formal pair, they shone like a mirror - one can see their face. He cringed seeing the difference between their shoes. Gita should have thought about Anand's image and how Anand dresses before showing up in these lame pairs. The business smile constantly on his face.

Gita greeted him with a smile and a polite how are you.Balki talked exactly the way she saw it on the TV show - very excitedly and with a slight accent. His clothes were too lavish for a normal day in the city. She saw him constantly gazing at her feet, when she looked down, she saw a bit of mud on the front of her shoe. Even she looked back, fearing she ruined the boutiques hardwood floor.

Balki guided Anand and her to the consultation room and they were shortly joined by Balki's staff. Once they entered, Gita knew why Balki would judge her. Here, the employees were dressed neatly than Gita. Her jeans and red top looked super bland and picked from a trash can compared to everyone in the room. Now, she wished this appointment was during her office days, atleast she would have worn clothes that were not so casual.

Balki's staff greeted the the couple - Anand and Gita and started showing the lehengas. Balki was there, giving them details about each piece. Anand had already asked Prakash, his secretary to ask them to present only their top 10 designs. Anand would hate to spend more time than that just for clothes, even if they are his wedding clothes. Anand spending time for these 10 designs were more than enough.
He looked at Gita and for the very first time, it was difficult for him to comprehend her emotions. Did she like them? Did she hate it? A while later, when it was just nods from Gita's side about the design of lehengas, Anand asked Balki and staff to leave them for some time. The staff quickly left but Balki stood there. Anand raised his eyebrows in question.

"I know it is not a big deal in other boutiques and changing rooms" Balki seemed a little nervous while talking to Anand. Anand had no clue what is Balki trying to say. Balki continued in a scared voice, "but please don't make out here! This is sacred to me. So please don't make out on my interiors." Balki had seen celebrities come here and asking for a moment and have the wildest make out. There were no cameras here but loud noises and the disheveled hair later was ofcourse a sign.

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