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Adorned in a saree designed by the country's top designer, Gita stepped out of the car with her parents and Isha to attend her award ceremony held at the Mayor's official villa. Among the infinite expensive options given by Isha, this  saree looked elegant and yet not something over the top. Gita pleaded both Anand and Isha to bring her  outfits under a particular budget but she didn't know that the sibling duo had never heard the word "budget" for outfits. They pick whatever they like without caring for the price tag.
This saree, although elegant, was still expensive than Gita's entire wardrobe barring her wedding outfits. She just hoped it wouldn't look out of place.

As they entered the hall where the ceremony was going to be held, her parents had a proud smile on their face.  Their only daughter was getting a recognition for her goodness. Gita's parents never denied her while she went to NGOs and organisations to teach the underprivileged children but Gita always had to hear from her mother on how she was wasting time teaching those students.

"Look at other people your age, Gita. They are giving interviews for big corporates while you waste your time behind kids teaching them ABCD."

"Maa, I am not teaching them ABCD. They have learnt beyond this. And I follow my heart and my heart likes doing this."

"Wake up, Gita! I thought you were doing this for one or two months. But this is too much! You have your own life to make. Stop going after kids whose future is practically useless."

"Maa!" Gita was angry at her mother. Nobody talks about her kids in this manner. Nobody! "Their future has hope. They are not useless. Their dreams have meaning and if God had willed for someone like me to give them wings, I will!" Saying that Gita went to her room.

"Go! Go to your room but remember your mother's words...noone is coming to give you medal and money for this, so better concentrate on your own life. Atleast then, you can fund them."

That was the last day her mother had tried putting some sense into her daughter's head. As a mother, she was happy her child thought for others and wanted to do something for the children but she had seen the world and knew that noone would ask her daughter if she had no money or good rank at an office. But Gita was beyond all this. She didn't understand her mother's concern. She believed money is not important and followed her heart, always. Today,  seeing her daughter getting awarded for the very thing she said nobody would recognise Gita for, didn't crush her ego. She was rather a proud parent. Gita proved her mother wrong but the irony was she didn't do this to prove anything to anyone. She just kept following her heart and teaching the children whole heartedly and after years, she was rewarded.

Her father who was always crushed between the mother and daughter was equally proud. He always had to find the balance between Gita who did what she liked and his wife who wanted only the best for Gita. Now, both their definitions were world apart. Gita was always to be a teacher and had an inclination towards writing both of which her mother found to be disapproving professions for her intelligent daughter who could earn much more if she goes after some other career options. But seeing the treatment he was getting because he was her father made his chest swell with pride. For the most part, Gita was always like him - quiet, compassionate, doesn't like to fight and understanding. But like her mother, even he feared she would never stand up for herself and get fooled by people. But today, she is getting an award for standing upto the children's rights.

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