Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Can I ask you why you are attending Kannika's event?" Beam asked Forth from the passenger's seat of Forth's black Porsche. Beam was busy watching Forth driving the elegant car. His right hand was on the steering wheel and the left was on the window frame. To distract himself from drooling at Forth, he decided to make a conversation. "I heard from Ming that you are not fond of attending events."

Forth glanced at him from the driver's seat and sighed.

"Ming should stop telling wrong things about me. Especially to you."

"It's not true then? You actually like coming to events and parties?" Beam chuckled. Forth is not the kind of man who really likes parties. Based on how workaholic the man is, he doesn't really have the time to party. Forth even forgot to eat sometimes.

"Well, it depends on the event." Forth sheepishly smiled at him.

"So, Kannika's event is an exception?" Beam prodded. A little jealousy surged into his veins but he decided to ignore it. After all, Forth is not his. "Is she your friend?" he inquired further.

"No, not really. I was just invited and I needed something from her." Forth slightly glanced at him and smirked.

"May I know what it is?" Beam scrunched his eyebrows.

"You knew my grandmother was a jewelry maker, right?"

"Uh, yes. Ming mentioned it before." The Jamornhum empire was too famous not to know the lady that stood beside the powerful Darvid Jamornhum.

"Granny designed custom-made jewelry for the Apinya family." Forth stated. Celia Jamornhum was an icon of the arts in the country. Her designs were well sought even in other countries. She caters elegant styling of jewelry to those very important people in their country. Forth's grandmother stopped making jewelry when she got eye problems and she passed away five years ago. They heard from Ming that Forth was very close to her grandmother and he was really affected by her passing. Forth's mom is the one handling the jewelry business and it still managed to compete in the market but not aggressively dominate the jewelry world when his grandmother died.

"Granny and Kannika's grandmother became good friends in their later years. Then, there was this incident when granny showed Mrs.Apinya the last jewelry she'd made." Forth scrunched his forehead in remembering something awful. "Granny already retired that time. Her vision was also deteriorating and the optometrist cannot correct it unless she underwent surgery which she already refused. Mrs. Apinya was fascinated by the last jewelry design that my granny created and offered to buy it. Granny refused to sell it and when Mrs. Apinya sensed that granny wouldn't give in, she just took it without permission."

"She stole it?!" Beam was partly amused. Apinya was also a well-known family, they were involved in politics. Surely, the reporters would have feasted if they knew that Kannika's grandmother stole precious jewelry from the Jamornhum family.

"Granny did not report it for the sake of their friendship. She was truly heartbroken about it. Maybe it was also one of the reasons why she passed away." Beam thought that Forth was just exaggerating. Forth's grandmother was already seventy-two years old when she passed away.

"Kannika's grandmother never returned it?" Beam inquired further.

"No. Mrs. Apinya never returned Granny's call. But I want to get the jewelry back." Forth determinedly said.

"Ah, so that's what you need from Kannika?" Beam asked to confirm.

"Maybe she knows where the jewelry is. Originally, I wanted to talk to Mrs. Apinya but she has dementia and is currently living abroad with her family. Kannika is the only Apinya I know that is still living here." Beam understands the desire to bring back the jewelry. As Ming said, Forth was really heartbroken when his grandmother died, and bringing the jewelry back home to the Jamornhums would be the final step of truly letting go.

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