Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Beam eyed the grand lobby of the Jamornhum Hospital. It was one of the prestigious hospitals in the country and he was so lucky to just grace the floor. This hospital has the most state of the art facilities and only top doctors were only accepted here. If Beam did not promise his best friends to work in Kongthanin Hospital, he was so sure that he would be aiming to work here. Beam's train of thought was interrupted when Kit gushed excitedly beside him.

"Whoaaaaa! I can't believe I'm standing in Jamornhum Hospital!" Kit was like a kid in a candy store, Beam can even swear that he sees stars in Kit's eyes.

"You can just ask your boyfriend to work in this hospital, you know." Beam mocked Kit beside him. Kit gasped at his words.

"Shut up! I am not with Ming for that! We didn't even know that he is part of the Jamornhum empire! For me, he was just a poor cook." Beam laughed out loud at that. It was true though, they did not know that Mingkwan Daichapanya was part of an empire.

They know him as the manager of a small restaurant business that they frequent because the food was so delicious. When Ming started to court their friend Kit, he started to bring Kit to exclusive islands and private jets for their dates. It turns out that Ming's mother was the daughter of Darvid Jamornhum. It also created problems for Ming and Kit especially the status gap but Ming was stubborn and Kit finally accepted him wholeheartedly.

"I said shut up, Beammie!" Kit glared at Beam and started to hit him when he did not still finish laughing.

"P'Kit! P'Beam!" Ming yelled from the entrance of the hospital and hurried to the both of them.

"You're late, Ming." Kit looked annoyed at the newcomer. Beam just nodded at Ming.

"Awww, P'Kit. I'm sorry. I stopped by at Grump's house before coming here." Ming tried to kiss Kit's cheek sneakily but his best friend hit Ming's head. Beam looked at the two of them amused. This is not new to him, this always happens every time.

"Stop that, asshole!" Kit glowered at Ming but the sneaky man successfully stole a kiss. "Ming!"

"Hey lovebirds, I'll just sit over there and call me if you are finished flirting!" Beam winked at both of them. Kit blushed to his roots and Ming grinned as he had just won the lottery.

"Aish! Let's just get over this with." Kit composed himself and stared at Beam. "But seriously, you're gonna be so lucky to be working here, Beammie." Beam smiled sadly at Kit. Actually, the reason that they were here in Jamornhum Hospital is that he needed to work here with the help of Ming.

Beam Baramee was known to play with girls even when they were in college. He even has the title of the Casanova. Girls always flocked to his left and right. Women worshipped him and beg to have him for a night. Beam always asked the girl if she has a boyfriend before they do anything. But what can he do?! The girls always lied to him and he has always left with jealous boyfriends after him. This time, he made a huge mistake to flirt with the daughter of one of the shareholders of the Kongthanin's Hospital and when the fiancé of the girl learned about it, he threatened Beam to resign from the hospital.

Even Phana, his best friend and the son of the owner of the hospital, cannot help him because the fiancé was also a huge shareholder of the company. They threatened that if Beam would not resign, they would pull out from the Kongthanin hospital and will leave the hospital bankrupt. Beam doesn't want that to happen so he resigned much to Phana and Kit's protest.

Beam was confident that he could get another job in another hospital. After all, even without Casanova's title, he was a well-respected cardiologist. It turns out that was also a mistake because the fiancé of the girl also made sure that Beam was back listed on any hospital that they have connections with. That means every respectable hospital in the city. The only hospital that accepted Beam was in the province and he cannot get any clients from that hospital.

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