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"P'Forth! Long time no see!"

Forth glance towards his cousin, Ming, who he did not see for a couple of months. He was just back from the country and was invited to this business event.

"Hey, Ming. how are you? I'm sorry I just arrived yesterday and did not even call you." Forth apologized to his favorite cousin. Even though Ming was a rascal, Forth treated him as a little brother.

"It's okay P', I know you were so busy managing your business abroad. Are you back here for good?" Ming asked him but before Forth could reply, Ming ranted to him.

"I really missed you, you know! We need someone to headbutt with Grumps! He is getting grumpier!" Forth chuckled at this. They called their grandfather 'Grumps' instead of 'Grandpa' because the old man was so short-tempered that they thought that the scowl on his face was already permanent.

"Let's just see what Grumps had in store for me. He was the one who called me to come back home." Forth told Ming. Even though his grandfather was hot-headed, he respected the man as a business tycoon that single-handedly built the Jamornhum empire.

Their catching up was interrupted by a loud clap from the crowd. It was an event honoring the best doctors in the country based on their research and more. The Jamornhum empire was a shareholder of the event as their empire also included hospitals. Forth saw Kit, Ming's boyfriend, receive prestigious recognition along with two doctors. Kit was wearing a custom made black suit. The tall guy that he vaguely remembered as the heir of the Kongthanin hospitals were also sporting a custom made suit. Then, Forth eyed the third doctor that was stunning in his all-white suit.

"Should you accompany Kit on receiving the award?" He asked Ming while pointing Kit and his companions on the stage thanking the event.

"Nah, It was all their hard work. Let them bask in the limelight." Ming was watching Kit proudly. Forth wanted to ask Ming a question but before he opened his mouth to ask, his phone rang. He excused himself and found a quieter spot to answer the phone.

"Forth, honey. Where are you?" The voice on the other line asked. It was his mom.

An hour and a half later, he parked his latest BMW Series 7 on the driveway of his grandparent's mansion. Forth sighed before getting out of the car as he remembered that he did not set his foot here for many years. He was greeted by his mom at the foyer, clearly waiting for his arrival.

Forth hugged her mom tightly and kissed her cheeks when he released her. He missed his mom so much and the home-cooked meals.

"Where is Grumps?" He asked his mom. Marla laughed out loud at the nickname.

"Gosh, the nickname really stuck, huh?" Forth chuckled, too. "Dad is on the veranda. He was actually waiting for you."

"I'll go to him now. I'll eat dinner later, did you cook for me, mom?" Forth really craved a home-cooked meal, especially the meals that his mother cooked for him. He was a great cook himself but once in a while, Forth missed his mother's pampering.

"Of course, honey. I'll prepare it now. Just go talk to your grandfather first." Marla smiled at his youngest son. After all, Forth was the one closest to her seeing he was the youngest.

Forth trudged all the way to the veranda where he saw his grandfather's back. The old man was staring at the beautiful garden of roses in front of their veranda back facing Forth.

"Grumps?" Forth called out the old man. His grandfather just pointed out the sofa that was there on Forth's side. He's getting a different vibe from his grandfather that is making him suspicious. When he was seated, his grandfather finally looked back at him. Despite his old age, Darvid Jamornhum was still a very intimidating businessman. He may have aged but the eyes were still the same eyes that Forth respected, full of fierceness.

"Where were you?" Grumps asked him. His grandfather was still standing looking down at him. It feels like this is the time that he needs to run away because something tells Forth that this is not a good sign.

"I was invited by the awarding of doctors." Forth answered stoically, not giving his grandfather an edge towards him. In the family, he was the only one that defied their grandfather's rules. As Ming would like to point out, he was the one only brave enough to headbutt the patriarch of the Jamornhum empire.

Darvid just nodded at him and took a seat in front of him. Then his mother came to the veranda and put some refreshments on the table for his grandfather.

"Marla, stay for a moment." Marla was startled but complied with his father in law. Forth exchanged worried glances at his mother. Clearly not knowing what their discussion would be.

"I want you to manage my hospitals here." His grandfather just sprouted it like a casual conversation in the morning. Marla sighed beside Forth, she was expecting this. The Jamornhum empire's biggest businesses were the hospitals. It generated almost fifty percent of the empire's income. Darvid Jamornhum was a surgeon that is why the main business of their empire was hospitals then his two children branch out to other fields. No one has gotten to the hospitals because his children avoided the medical field since they don't share the same passion of their father.

"Why me, Grumps? P'Yihwa can manage the hospitals here." P'Yihwa is his sister in law. She was a doctor and married to his brother, P'Earth. "Besides, I am busy with my business too."

Forth was the CEO of the company that he created from scratch. Just like his father, Forth did not want to be associated with his last name, so he discarded his last name and created the FJ Constructions and Engineering company that he built with his friends. They may not be the lead in the country but they were the strongest competition in the field, especially that in the span of five years they have built more innovative structures than anyone else and won multiple awards here and there.

"Yihwa is busy managing the hospitals outside the country, I need someone to manage the hospitals here." That is true though. P'Earth and P'Yihwa are in England managing the businesses that were expanded there.

"Grumps, My answer is still no." Forth made his decision. He was busy with his business for god sakes!

"I know you'll say that." Grumps took a sip with his coffee calmly. Way too calm.

"What?" Forth is now confused.

"Manage my hospital or I'll marry you off to the Vongviphan Pharmaceuticals heir." Now, his grandfather is threatening him with an arranged marriage. Even Marla gaped at his father in law and let out a whispered 'oh my god'. It was not Grump's personality to put him in an arranged marriage. He may be a cold-blooded genius business tycoon but he will not force marriage in his family. His grumps were romantic, too. That was what his grandmother always told them.

"The hell, Grumps?! I'll say no to both!" Forth already raised on his seat, fuming.

"How about this? Manage my hospitals or I'll take FJ Constructions out of your hands." At this, Forth widened his eyes in realization. That is why his grandfather was too calm, He has an ace up his sleeve.

"Oh my god, you bought our stocks?!" Forth asked him incredulously. Darvid Jamornhum smirked at Forth. "They did not name me as the genius business tycoon for nothing, Forth. So? Your answer?"

A/N: Hi guys! please tell me how was the story so far? I was drowning in ForthBeam ship as TaeTee because they don't have projects together. So, I am here creating a story for this ship. Comments are highly appreciated. Please stay safe and stay sane, okay!

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