Chapter 7: Friends for the Weekend part 2

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Almost immediately after the trio of boys were brought back inside they were promptly wrapped in blankets, Dick wrapped in two since he was smaller and colder, and given a cup of hot chocolate. They were also sat on the couch and Bruce put on a movie for them, a favorite of the three called Treasure Planet.

The boys watched in awe as the ship Jim was sailing flew through space, wishing they could do that. Though they did get an experience a little close to it whenever they flew to the Watchtower, it just wasn't as adventurous. Nonetheless the boys watched the movie enthralled by its take if action and adventure. Not to mention they also had a plethora of snacks to pre-occupy them, provided by Alfred of course, from homemade cookies to warm nachos it was a little boys dream.

For over an hour the boys enjoyed the movie, warmed up, and ate to their heart's content. This particularly applied to Wally, whose insatiable Flash appetite caused him to consume more than Dick and Roy combined. Eventually the movie came to an end which left the boys with pent up energy fueled by restless little boy energy and sugar.

"Daddy! Wes gonna go play up stairs ok!" Dickdeclared, as he escaped his blanket cocoon, and got back on his little feet.

"Alright have fun you three, I'll call you down when dinner is ready." Bruce responded happily.

"Ok!" All three shouted at the same time as they then ran up the stairs, their blankets flying behind them like capes.

Bruce smiled, happy to know his son had friends who loved and cared for him as well as related to him. For all three had gone through more tragedy than any small child should have been allowed to. Poor little Wally lost his parents in a terrible car crash a year and a half ago when he was barely six years old. Then Roy grew up on the streets from the time he was born, his parents killed by thugs when he was only five years old. From then until he was about six and a half he grew up in his own till Oliver found him and took him in.

Though each suffered a different tragedy at different points in their lives together they got through it. Together they healed and comforted one another, each knowing exactly how the other felt. For while in many ways they were all so innocent, some of them more than others, they also collectively had a piece of their innocence stolen from them. But together they trained and fought through their grief to become protectors of the world instead of going down the path of revenge, as their mentors had unfortunately gone through before. Comforted by this thought Bruce sat down in his great big arm chair by the fireplace and read his newspaper, unaware of the adventures being had up stairs.

The Play Room

Once the boys had reached the play room they immediately got to work on a game of pirates, inspired by what they saw in treasure planet. From around the massive and well stocked play room the boys grabbed toy swords, pirate props, pillows, and other items to give the room a pirate atmosphere. They then got into character, tying bandannas on their heads in a pirate fashion and splitting the pirate props between the three of them.

Dick took the pirate blouse, since he was the only one it fit on, the fake beard and the hand hook. Wally put on the eye patch and the fake peg leg, making him look like he lost half of his body. Then lastly Roy took the pirate hat and the fake parrot that clipped to your shoulder, making it so they were all ready to play.

"Alright ye scallywags! Give me yur gold or walk the plank!" Roy demanded in a pirate voice as he pointed his toy sword at his two younger brothers.

"No way Captain Arrow! Ye won't get our booty!" Wally responded back in a pirate voice as he paired his toy sword with Roy's.

"Yeah our booty!" Dick squealed out in his attempt at a pirate voice raising his sword at Roy.

"Then it be war between us!" Roy cried out as he got to his "ship", aka the barricade of bean bags in front of the large Dutch windows with the curtains tied like sails.

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