Chapter 11: Hunting My Family's Killer Part 2

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For what seemed like hours Bruce stood motionless in the batcave as the reality of his five year old son being completely alone in Gotham City to kill a dangerous mobster sunk in. How could he have pushed his precious baby to such extremes, all because he just had to break his promise to him. If his son was hurt or even worse...killed by his reckless and traitorous actions Bruce would never forgive himself.

From the day he adopted his sweet little boy he promised he would protect and care for him, to fail to do so would break Bruce beyond repair. He had to stop his baby before he did something that he could never take back. So Bruce kicked himself in the pants and got to work on getting his son back.

"Alfred!" Bruce called out frantically as he left the batcave.

"Yes Master Bruce, what is the matter?" Alfred asked, concerned by Bruce's tone.

"Dick ran away, he's going after Zucco by himself! We have to stop him before he gets himself killed!"

"Oh dear lord, we must find him immediately!" Alfred cried out equally as frantic, internally ashamed of letting his youngest charge slip beyond his watch.

As the two continued their frantic conversation Ace came running up to his master and barked at him.

"Ace not now, Dick is missing, we have to find him! Oh no what if he's already made it to the docks or is lost in the city.."

Ace barked once more followed by biting Bruce's to drag him away.

"Ace let go, where are you taking me!" Bruce complained as he tried to pull his cape from the dog's strong hold.

Eventually Bruce found himself at the back kitchen door where Ace let him go, only to walk up and point at the door knob with his nose. Taking the hint Bruce walked over to the door and opened it, only to find tiny footprints in the snow. For a moment Bruce froze paralyzed with fatherly fear as the reality of his son being all alone in the cold was all too real. As he processed this Ace sniffed at the footprints and followed them just outside the porch. He then turned and barked at Bruce, signaling he got the little boy's scent.

"Did you get the scent boy?" Bruce asked, breaking from his stupor and walking up to the dog.

Ace barked once again as if to say yes as he pointed to the direction the scent led.

"Good boy, now let's go, we have a Robin to rescue." Bruce said as he rubbed the dogs head and looked into the distance, praying Dick wouldn't get to Zucco before he got to him.

In Gotham City

It was quiet in the normally bustling city of Gotham being the wee hours of the morning, a small portion of time where people were inside asleep. That was accept for Dick Grayson Wayne, who walked in the shadows of the streets as to remain unnoticed by anyone who happens to be about. With unshakable determination Dick followed the map on his little cuff pad to Gotham Harbor. However despite his burning desire to avenge his parents and show his daddy he could do this, he started to feel cold, tired, and even hungry.

As he snuck about the shadows Dick held his small cape tightly around his little body. His costume was unfortunately thin and susceptible to the cold air that blew throughout Gotham city. Eventually knowing he couldn't keep this up all night, the little protégé found a secure little box to hide and rest in for the night. Quietly he climbed in, covered the top with a trash can lid, pulled out his blanket and pillow, and closed his little mask covered eyes.

But sleeping was rather hard due to the near freezing cold air outside and the box and blanket did little alleviate that. Not to mention the smell of Dick's blanket kept reminding him of his daddy and home and how he'd run away from that. Which only made Dick both miss his beloved father more and worry if he would love him the same after he so blatantly disobeyed him and been so unkind. This made the poor little boy shed a small tear, missing his family and wondering if he'd ever see them again.

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