Chapter 21: Aftermath

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A week had passed since the CADMUS situation happened, and after some minor consequences were dolled out and served, the protégés were gathered at Mount Justice. Even Superboy and Superman were there, though the younger of the two more or less clung to his daddy's leg. Conner was still a little uneasy around the Justice League, afraid they were going to take him from his already deeply beloved daddy and give him back to CADMUS. But then despite his best efforts to stay close Dick came running up and pulled at his free arm.

"Conner come on, come play with us!" Dick begged as he hopped in place and pulled his new older brother's arm.

Unsure how to answer, Conner looked up at his father for guidance. With a smile and a gentle nudge Superman implored his baby boy to go join his new friends.

"Go on Conner, go play with your friends I'll be right here the whole time." Clark said, assuring and comforting his son.

Conner looked at the smiling Dick and immediately started to smile too.

"Ok, I'll be back daddy!" Conner said as he hugged his father's leg one more time and then ran off with Dick.

Clark smiled as he watched his little boy run off to play, happy his child had friends to help him learn how to just be a child and push him out of his comfort zone. Flash then came speeding up to him and rested his elbow on Superman's much taller shoulder.

"So how is fatherhood treating you?" Flash asked with a cheeky smile, knowing exactly how Superman felt just by the blissful look on his face.

"Is been an adjustment, but I've really...liked it so far. I just hope I don't screw it up, the precious child has put a lot of trust in me and I don't want to hurt him." Superman opened up as he watched his child play with the other protégés.

"Do not worry Superman, children are most forgiving and loving beings. They only desire your love, time, and guidance, so just balance that with an appropriate amount of discipline and you'll be fine." Aquaman chimed in to comfort the new father.

"It sounds so easy when you say it like that, but it feels harder." Superman commented worriedly.

"Just give your best, kids aren't hard to please. Besides, that little guy is practically attached to your hip, so I don't think you have much to worry about." Green Arrow commented with a light chuckle.

"I seems daunting at first, but with time you'll learn how to best nurture and love your child." Batman said simply but wisely.

"Thanks Batman, thank you all, I'm just happy I have someone to help me out here. Actually your advice has given me an idea, I think I'll introduce Conner to Ma and Pa after today. Help him feel welcome to the Kent family." Superman said with bright eyes.

"That's a great idea, I'm sure he'll love it!" Flash chimed happily.

"I agree, but we can discuss this later, Martian Manhunter has arrived, so let's start the meeting." Batman said as he looked at a communicator on his cuff.

All the mentors nodded in agreement and were about to leave when Superman caught an alert with his super hearing. He could hear something was going on in Metropolis, and he knew he needed to go and help. Though he was hesitant, not wanting to leave his baby boy without guidance as the meeting would go on.

"There's a problem in metropolis isn't there." Batman commented knowing the distressed look on the kryptonian's face well.

"Yes there is, can you watch Conner during the meeting till I get back. I promise I'll be quick." Superman said anxiously.

"I'll keep an eye..." Batman started to answer before a high pitched cry interrupted him.

"No! Daddy please don't go!" Conner cried, hearing the whole conversation with his own super hearing, as he ran to his father and hugged his leg in protest.

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