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Your mom and dad had gotten a divorce and they each took one of their two kids with them. You went with your father while your brother went with your mother, now splitting up you haven't seen your brother in forever, although you kept in touch with him even when you were split up. You and your brother would always call each other on your parents phone until you both got your own phone and kept in touch that way.

Your brothers name was Langa Hasegawa and your name was Y/N Hasegawa and now at the current moment you are 14 years of age while staying at a hotel. The reason for this is because your father had passed away and you had no one to live with as well as you had hardly any money at all to even buy yourself a meal everyday, so you decided to call your brother and tell him that their father had passed away and told him where the funeral was being held.

[🛹]Two weeks after the funeral

You are now living with your brother, langa, and your mother.  Your mom had signed you up for school and you were gonna go for your first day in about a week.

You were not all to exited about going to a new school you didn't really like the thought about meeting new people but you didn't have much of a choice.

You started unpacking your things and putting all your clothes and shoes away in your closet. You heard a knock on your door, so you yelled, "Come in!" The door opened slightly and Langa stepped in holding something in his hand. He walked towards you and handed you a package.

You asked him, "What is this?" And he replied with, "I dunno, mom just told me to give it to you." After that he quietly left your room with the door slightly open.

You sighed. "Seriously," you said, while getting up to shut the door closed.

While you were getting back to putting your stuff away your phone lit up. It was a message from one of your friends on discord. You decided to open it up and realized it was Miya.

Texting Miya 


Miya: Hey

Miya: r u doing ok ?

Y/n: yh I'm fine

Miya: oh 

Miya: ok

Y/n: ur in Okinawa, right ?

Miya: ...

Miya: yh, y

Y/n: I moved there after the funeral 

Miya: oh maybe we could meet up soon and skate or something ?

Y/n: yh, perhaps 

 Y/n is now offline

 Miya is now offline


Y/n finished putting her clothes and shoes away and figured she would just do the rest tomorrow after school. After playing a couple of mobile games cause she hadn't set up her desk yet she headed off to bed.

• ::📝:: •

Sorry this chapter ended up being short I went through a huge revision and ended up hating most of this story so I took out a lot of the parts. I'll be trying better to upload a lot before August because school starts and have separate classes outside of school on the weekends so it might be a bit difficult but I'm mustering up more motivation. As always enjoy and see you next chapter !!

「 ✦KOZUME✦ 」

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「 ✦KOZUME✦ 」

𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 | M. ChinenWhere stories live. Discover now