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I yawned and sat up stretching out my arms and rubing my eyes. "Damn sun, so fucking bright." You said. "Great, its Monday. The start of another week of school." I muttered to myself while getting out of bed.

I walked to my closet and grabbed my uniform putting it on then headed towards the bathroom and brushed my hair leaving it alone afterwards. I walked downstairs to see Langa making breakfast.

"Thats a big ass meal." I said to your brother, Langa. "Yeah I know." He said back, "I'm hungry." "I can tell," I said. 

I decided on stealing one of Langa's pieces of toast and then watching some TV to pass the time because I didn't feel like arriving at school early and sitting in a cold classroom by myself when I could be in the comfort of my own home. 

I checked my phone and realized I wasted more time that I planned. I ran towards the door and grabbed my shoes slipping them on my feet and grabbing my school bag, lunchbox, and my skateboard and running outside. "Bye Langa!" I said as I shut the door.

Just as I was about to start skateboarding to school I remembered  something. "Oh shit! I forgot my phone!" I ran back inside my house and grabbed my phone of the night stand. I ran back downstairs with my phone in hand and got back on my skateboard, skating to school. 

"Maybe I should just start taking the bus with Langa. Gah!" I said to myself nearly crashing into a mail box.

The second I got to school I searched for my locker trying my best to hurry so I'm not late. I ignored some stares I got while looking for my locker.

I was speed walking down the hall when suddenly I ran into someone. "Ow! What the hell!" (?) Said "Would you watch were your going next time!" Said the familiar voice. "Well it wasn't my intention to just run into you." Y/n spat back.

"Y/N! What are you doing here!?" (?) Said

Looking up Y/n realized it was Miya she had just ran into. 

"Oh, Miya," I started, "Well I did say I moved to Okinawa. I just didn't expect to go to the same school as you though."

Miya stood there infront of me in a bit of a shock while I had to get up all by myself.

"We can talk about this later, I don't wanna be late on my first day. Cya." I said as I ran off.

"Oh,  I'll.. see you later, I guess." Miya said before leaving to head towards his class, also not wanting to be late class.


"Finally! School is over!" I yelled while getting on my skateboard and heading towards a nearby gas station to get a drink for me and Langa. After a few sips I put the drink in my bag and skated over to Langa waiting along the wall of the gas station.

"I need to get the weels on my skateboard changed." I said out loud, mainly to myself.

"I know a place." Langa said after hearing me.

"You do?" I questioned.

"Yeah, my friend works at a place. I can show you." Langa said and before I knew Langa took off down the road.


I walked out from the back after finding the weels I wanted and decided to look around a bit while waiting for my skateboard to be fixed so we could leave, but right when I walked out I heard Miya challenging my brother to a competition.

"I challenge you!" Miya yelled at Langa. "Mm.." Langa hummed thinking about whether he should skate against Miya or not. "Sure." Langa said calmly. "WHAT?" I yelled in my head. Miya, not really expecting him to have accepted,  just kinda stood there. He then snapped back to reality and walked off not even noticing Y/n in the back.

Langa started opening the shop door to leave while completly forgetting about me. I quickly grabbed my skateboard and left the money on the counter, lucky for me the man at the front desk had just finished up the last weel.

"Langa! Wait for meee!" I yelled, exaggerating the last word. 

"Hurry up, your being slow and I'm trying to get home." Langa replied before turning around to continue walking again.


When we got home I unlocked the door and started my daily chores quicklt so I could have enough time to log into my game and get the daily rewards. "I'm so glad I finished unpacking early cause that shit was a real pain and it would be a dread to still have to put stuff away." I thought. As time passed I slowly started closing my eyelids untill I fell asleep.


So this chapter is also a little short but again, most of what I wrote i hated and took out of the story, also im not sure where I'm going with this plot but I'm just winging it, so let's cooperate here. I hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter !!

「 ✦KOZUME✦ 」

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「 ✦KOZUME✦ 」

𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 | M. ChinenWhere stories live. Discover now