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After Reki calmed down Miya a bit we all went out to get something to eat, and boy I have never seen Langa eat so much in my life.

"Langa slow down, you might choke!" Reki exclaimed.

I sat in between Miya and Cherry and played with my excess food since I was full. 

"Aren't you going to eat, Miya?" Yuki asked who sat on the right side of Miya and left of Aiko.

"Nope, I'm on a diet. What about you? You didn't order anything either." 

"Nah, I'm not really hungry, me and Aiko picked something up before the race. Besides, this isn't really my kind of food."

"Oh, alright." Miya responded ready to keep the conversation short. Anyone with eyes could tell he was tired and still upset about his loss.

Just when you were about to tune out everyone's conversation and get back to minding your own business someone tapped you on the shoulder to gain your attention.

"Yes?" You said as you stared at Miya.

"Hey, um, can we talk? Outside," He asked looking away from you acting as if the table was more attractive than your face. You both know it's not. 

"If it's an explanation as to why you've been acting like a girl on her menstrual cycle, then sure." You replied while getting up to throw your trash away.

You waited for Miya by the door and watched as he explained to Yuki where he was going and why as if she were his mom until he was finally dismissed and headed towards you. 

"So what is it you wanted to say?" You said as soon as you both had taken a step outside. You sat down on the small curb in front of the fast food shop awaiting his answer. 

"So you and Langa really are related?" He said, a bit hesitant to sit down next to but did anyway. 

"Yes Miya, we really are related." You replied sighing afterwards and trying your best to keep your poster straight because it was already horrible and you didn't need it to get worse.

"Okay, just making sure," he started, "Sorry for how I acted by the way, I was just a little upset that you came all this way and met me and then spent so much time with him. Plus, you never respond to my text messages."

Text messages? Now that you recall, you haven't checked your phone for a while now. And there was a message on your phone that you were supposed to check a while ago but never got the chance to. 

"Sorry about the messages Miya. I haven't been on my phone in a while, but my dad died a bit ago and sometimes I want to be around my family."

"You're right im sorry." He apologized

"It's fine Miya." 

"Thanks. Um, do you wanna...walk around with me for a little? You know, just to talk and stuff." 

"Sure, why not. I'm just gonna let Langa, my brother by the way, know that I'm leaving and will meet him at home, where we both live, cause we're siblings." 

"I thought you forgave me," Miya said while rolling his eyes and standing up.

"I'm just making sure~" You sang while leaving him outside to talk to Langa.


Despite the plan being to walk around and talk, you and Miya hadn't said a word. You both walked around and watched as some people started closing down the shops after a long day of work while others were preparing to work their night shift. 

"Miya," You said, breaking the silence.

"Yes Y/n?" 

"Do you want to go to the party at 'S' with me?"

Miya turned his head towards you with eyes wider than usual, though your attention was still on the small shops around you, "You want to go with me? Like, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 me?"

"Yes, as friends of course." You said now averting your gaze towards. 

"Yes of course, as friends." 

"Maybe we can bring Aiko and Yuki along with us. Its gonna be so much fun!"

"Yeah. So much fun." 

• ::📝:: • 

Sorry guys, this chapter is kinda short😓 Im silently praying I dont go back to motivation loss because I've been doing so good. Dont forget to vote!💫

「 ✦KOZUME✦ 」

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「 ✦KOZUME✦ 」

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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