Chapter 1 - The Champion

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'Secret dating is hard. There, I said it. But I mean... I guess I can see where Ron is coming from... we did just win the war, and now, the press has been all up in our arses, just trying to get an interview or two from any one of us of "the Golden Trio"... seriously? UGH! Honestly, it's been so bad I had to spend the whole summer here in Scotland, since... well... *sigh* it's not like I have parents to go back to... they're still in Australia, where they will stay, safe, under new names and with a new life, and who knows, maybe... they could adopt another baby or two...'

The first tear fell onto the page

'wouldn't that be nice? Maybe they could have another little girl... she could even be a full-fledged Muggle at that... *sigh* my parents may have tried to hide it, but... I know they were always on edge whenever my magic came up. And as for just going back to the house myself... impossible. I mean... that would almost be the same equivalent of moving into your parents' house after they died...'

Another tear fell *sniff*

'I just couldn't do it. So instead, Head Mistress McGonagall has been letting me stay with her, and... it hasn't been that bad. She's been a splendid host. Every night she's allowed me to assist in coming up with the new curriculum for the first through third-years for this next coming school year, and in the mornings, she's allowed me to assist in the planning and the rebuilding of our beloved Hogwarts. To be precise, I've been placed in charge of designing the new dorms and making sure they're being built to code.'

Hermione chuckled sadly

'In all honesty, though, I think this has actually been the best sort of therapy that I needed. I get to help rebuild the past to help reshape the future... this kind of hope has been my saving grace, to be able to imagine children running around these halls, learning to control their magic, a copy of Professor Snapes portrait reprimanding them about flying through the halls, the renewed great hall filled with young chatter and laughter, the yearly welcoming ceremony where the hat tells new students their new house...'

She smiled lightly at the thought

'that is what has kept me going this whole time. That and the weekly talks with, as she prefers I call her, Miss Minerva. Yes, I could have moved into the Burrow with the Weasley's, in fact, the whole crew had tried to convince me to stay with them, but... they're already taking in Harry, and really, I wouldn't want to be a burden to their already full household. Besides... last I heard, they're still mourning the losses of Fred and Doby... don't get me wrong, I mourn for them too, every time they come to mind... which is every time I step into the reconstruction... which is every day... but I've chosen to renew that mourning into a rebirth of new hope... and honestly...'

"It's the best thing to come from this so far" Hermione whispered as she smiled, finished her sentence, and began to close her journal. She had to finish packing. Today she was finally moving back onto Hogwarts' campus, where she would assist the house-elves (each freed with their own aprons and chef hats, of course) to explore new cuisines to possibly serve to the students who will be returning in three weeks (the elves had honestly been so devastated over the loss of the school building that they soon became so self-hurtful, Hermione was worried they might accidentally commit suicide, so when the kitchen was rebuilt, Hermione immediately called them forth, offered each of them an apron or a hat, and told them that if they wanted to leave and find other employment, then they were free to, however, if they wanted to stay, then they have that right as well... either way, they were free to make their own decision... not a single elf left, but accepted the clothing anyway). "There. All done".

"Miss Granger, are you ready to go my dear?"

"Coming Miss Minerva!" Hermione called as she shrunk all of her luggage and put them all into her small bag 'ah, the beauty of magic' the girl thought as she made her way out of the now cleaned-out guest room. "All ready." she stated as she entered the living room.

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