Chapter 4 - Two Black Cadillacs

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"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zambini... you do realize how terrible it looks, you two getting detention during the first week of school... especially for you, Head Boy Malfoy" McGonagall crossed her arms across her chest "and for fighting with the Gryffindors, no less. Oh, don't worry, they'll have their time here too... as soon as Madam Pomfrey releases them from the informatory... how you two boys managed to overcome all five boys on your own with barely a scratch, I'll never know"

"We had an honest reason to fight" Blaise shrugged

"And what, pray tell, was that?"

"Protecting girls' honors"

McGonagall blinked in surprise "What?"

"The blokes were bragging about how they were using the title of 'War Hero' to get girls to go out with them... and then how far they got with each one. They were treating their girls like trash, talking about them like a bloody new broom! NO girl deserves to be treated like that. sure, we may be purebloods, we may be hated, but one thing we are taught from a very early age, is how to treat and respect the women in our lives. Including family, friends, relationships, and elders. Those bloody gits were acting like they were just some toys to pass around"

"Language Mr. Zambini... Mr. Malfoy, Is this true?" she turned to ask Draco. He nodded without a word. She sighed "I'll see what I can do about that, but Mr. Malfoy, surely there was some other way to reprimand them besides physical involvement"

"I deducted a-hundred points from Gryffindor. Twenty points for each boy." he stated with his arms still folded, staring straight ahead

McGonagall blinked before quickly checking the house tallies... sure enough, one hundred was missing from Gryffindor's House. She scrunched up her face in confusion "Then why, pray tell, did you suddenly come up and attack Mr. Weasley?"

"Because" Draco stated "He's cheating on both of them"


Hermione stood behind the pillar, praying beyond hope that she wasn't right and that no one would come seeking him out, but then to her great horror-

"Won Won?" a voice whispered

Hermione's heart dropped.


Quietly she made her way out into the open to find "Lavender? You're... LaLa?"

Lavender spun around with a horrified expression "H-Hermione! Wh-What are YOU doing here?"

Hermione sighed as she handed her the two sheets. One a letter from her, and another a letter from Lavender... both dated for the same date.

"I-I don't understand... what is this?"

"This... is the evidence that proves Ron has been cheating on both of us... with both of us"

"What?" Lavender quickly looked over both letters again... not just any letters... they were THE letters. THE letters where they had agreed to keep everything a secret to "keep the Prophet and papers away". Lavender looked dumbstruck as she glanced back up at her fellow Gryffindor "Hermione... is he your-"

"Yes... Ronald Billibus Weasley... is my secret boyfriend"

Lavender bunched up her hands into fists, crinkling the letters in her hands, and gritted out "Mine too"

"I figured as much. Merlin, I wasn't expecting all this when I went to get Harry's present for Ginny, but all their beds look alike, so I had to check under each one... you know he's already got our next anniversary gifts..." Lavender raised an eyebrow "... he got us both matching lingerie"

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