Beggin' On Your Knees

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"Hermione... Hermione"

Said girl groaned as she turned to see the wild curly blonde gently shaking her awake

"Hermione common... the boys are waiting for us outside"

That woke her up. Immediately she jumped to her feet and rushed to jump into the first clean clothes she could find

"Hermione!" Lavender laughed as she forced the girl to pause "Slow down..." she held her in place as she shook her head in glee "first off, that's Ginny's skirt, AND inside out. Second, the boys are here early, so we still have time to actually focus on our appearances" she smirked

Hermione blushed as she confirmed... yup. She had been about to run out into public in a too tight inside-out skirt... she sighed as she more calmly took off the skirt, folded it, placed it back on Ginny's bed, and then grabbed her own skirt to put on instead... she sighed "Thanks Lavender"

"No problem" she smiled as she finished tying up her single braid.

"How long have they been waiting?"

"Not too long, maybe, five minutes?"

"Uh, do you guys know that both Malfoy and Zambini are outside waiting for you two?" Ginny asked as she came back into the dorms

"Yeah, we know" Hermione answered as she began pulling her vest over her head

"And you're okay with that?" Ginny asked surprised

"Yeah. We made plans to walk with them to breakfast today" she stated absentmindedly as Lavender handed her her tie


Both Hermione and Lavender looked up at the gob-smacked fiery redhead

"Ginny" Lavender began "they apologized"

"We talked it over after the ball, Ginny... we've decided to start all over, all prejudice aside. The boys seemed both surprised and eager to accept our forgiveness" Hermione stated with a smile

Ginny blushed "Oh"

"Ginny" Hermione began "they've changed. They stood up for us... both of us. As one of the quidditch teams was bragging about how they were planning to... 'get' with us girls, using their statuses as 'war heroes'"

"WHAT?!??!?!" Ginny stormed

Lavender nodded "Draco and Blaise stepped in and beat up the whole batch. Apparently pureblood men take the sexual treatment of women pretty seriously"

Ginny sighed "well I'm glad they were able to step in then. NO GIRL deserves to be treated like that... what team was it, anyway?"

"Gryffindor" Hermione responded without hesitation

Ginny paused. She blinked. Her face grew red. She walked over to her desk. She grabbed a parchment and a quill. She summoned her wand. "Geminio". She whistled. She gave the owl the letters. They watched the owl leave. Ginny stood. She fixed her skirt. She left without a word with her head held high.

"Um... should we be worried?" Lavender asked

"Uh... for our own sake, I'm just going to say no. Common, let's get going"

The two then left their dorm room and headed straight for the main portrait door

"Uh... should I be worried? Weaslette just thanked me before saying she had to meet up with her team and calmly walked away" Draco asked worriedly

"Hello to you too" Hermione smirked

"Sorry" Draco stated embarrassedly "good morning Hermione, I hope you slept well" he restated as he placed a gentle kiss on her hand

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