Chapter 4: I am breaking up with you pt2

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Continue- at Jisoo office

(A/N: ok guys Jisoo will be cold here him and Lisa okay so I won't have cold tone here)

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(A/N: ok guys Jisoo will be cold here him and Lisa okay so I won't have cold tone here)

Lisa: Kai what is this I hear about you cheating

Kai: Sirs she is lying I wouldn't do do that to my girlfriend

Kai said while trying to hug Jennie .

Suddenly everyone heard a cute voice

Ella: don't touch my unnie you dog

Kai: watch it midget

Jisoo shouts: ok that is enough Kai call your parents now

Kai: ok

Jisoo gives him his telephone ☎️

Kai puts in his parents number: dad mom hi how are you

Kai mom: we are fine honey how are you

Kai: I am fine my captain would like to speak to you

Lisa put it on speaker: ma'am

Kai dad: yes lieutenant

Lisa: Kai has been caught doing something that has disappointed us.

Kai dad: what did he do this time

( Guys instead of writing Kai dad or mom I will just put KD or KM) back to the story

Jisoo: we caught him disrespecting a woman and called I quote a slut

KD: who was this woman captain?

Jisoo: Kim Jennie

KM: Kai I told you to not cheat on Jennie

Lisa: oh so he cheated huh

KD/M: oh.... we

Jisoo: we what

KD: we were just using that bitch for money either ways

Suzy interrupts the lieutenant has he was about to say something:  you were just using my daughter how could you?

KM: no we weren't

Jennie: wow I can't believe it mom you were right

While everyone was speaking Lisoo were whispering to each other

Jisoo: I want you to do something for me

Lisa: what

Jisoo: go look up for some dirts on Kai parents company when you find it send it to the police I want them locked up as for Kai I will deal with this bastard.

Lisa: OK but this is the first time I ever saw you interested in a girl Kim * tease his hyung*

Jisoo: Yeah I know right but I think I know from high school

Lisa: I don't think it is her

Jisoo: Well I think it is

Lisa slyly went out of the room and went to look up for some dirts on Kai parents company

Jisoo cold voice echoed through the room: ok guys enough

Everyone sat down

Jisoo: Kai why did you cheat

Kai becomes angry for some god damn reason: because I wanted money and she was only sl-

Jisoo slapped him so hard: watch it Kai

Kai: watch it you bastard just because you are captain that doesn't mean you can touch me

Jisoo: Mr and Mrs Kim I am so sorry for wasting your time

KD and KM: ok captain

Jisoo: ok bye *hangs up phone*

Jennie: I am breaking up with you you son of a bitch

Ella gets up and bit Kai so hard blood started flowing out of his hand

Kai scream in pain: you bitch Fuck it hurts

Jisoo: Ella sweetheart come to oppa

Ella goes back as an innocent girl to Jisoo: Ella is sorry oppa

Jisoo: it's okay you wanted to protect your unnie it's ok swee-

Before Jisoo finished talking two officers came and handcuffed Kai

While they were handcuffing Kai Jisoo let's Ella watch cartoons on his tablets and has on his head phones

Kai surprise: wtf are you doing , do you know who I am😠

Lisa:  yeah and we don't really care cuz you see you and your parents have been using the kims company to snuggle in drugs and illegal stuffs and so I suggest you shut what people call the hell up

Jisoo: I am so disappointed in you Kai.

To be continued

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