Jisoo is in the army and Jennie is a bully at the school that he goes to
What if the two are in a force marriage with each other?
📌 Jitop
📌 Gender bend
🔞 Smut
⚠️ Curse words
While they are walking in the hallway people are looking at them like they have never seen them before ( but you know suprise suprise they do 😲)
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They reached at class
Professor: Okay class today we have three students that used to be here but they were gone and came back
Jisoo deep voice: hello I am Kim Jisoo I am sure you guys know me I use to be here but I used to be bullied and now I am back and i am Kim Irene twin brother
Everyone was socked including rose and jennie because they used to bully them and call them names
Lisa: Kim Lisa you guys must know me I also used to also bully me and I am Irene noona and Kim Jisoo younger brotherr
Seulgi: I am kang seulgi and you guys also used to bully me and I am Irene boyfriend