Chapter 9: Jennie and Rose new boyfriend

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Jissuelis clothes

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Jissuelis clothes

Jissuelis clothes

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The girls

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The girls

The girls

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Jisoo was walking with Lisa and Seulgi  and Irene when they saw Jennie and a boy walking down the hallway laughing

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Jisoo was walking with Lisa and Seulgi  and Irene when they saw Jennie and a boy walking down the hallway laughing

Taeyoung  and  Mark

Irene: hey girls
Jennie / Chae: Hey unnie/Irene
Irene: May I know who are these two boys
Jennie: This is Kim Taeyoung
Chae: and Mark Lee
Jissuellis thoughts: God are you really kidding me?

_____________________Irene: hey girlsJennie / Chae: Hey unnie/IreneIrene: May I know who are these two boysJennie: This is Kim Taeyoung Chae: and Mark LeeJissuellis thoughts: God are you really kidding me?

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Taeyoung looks at Jisseullis and remembers them and whispers to mark: yow MarkMark: hyung what is itTaeyoung: remember those nerds we used to bully?Mark: yeah those poor nerds were so uglyTaeyoung: Well the are herMark: The fuck?!

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Taeyoung looks at Jisseullis and remembers them and whispers to mark: yow Mark
Mark: hyung what is it
Taeyoung: remember those nerds we used to bully?
Mark: yeah those poor nerds were so ugly
Taeyoung: Well the are her
Mark: The fuck?!

End of their conversation

Taeyoung: Well Well if it isn't the losers
Seulgi: Mark
Lisa: Taeyoung wassup
Mark: why are you all speaking up for the biggest nerd of all?
Jisoo anger was rising to the point that he started turning red. So he pushes Lissuel aside
Jisoo: watch it you fucker
Mark: or what nerd
Irene holds her twin brother back: Chill ok Jis
Taeyoung turns to Irene: Well hello sexy
Seulgi now getting angry pushes Taeyoung: watch it fucker you can have any other girl but not this one got it
Mark: actually no why don't you be good boy and come tell me
Jisoo: because he says so and when he says something you do it because let this be a warning ⚠️ * he then alerts Lisa and Seulgi pin them to the locker which was drawing attention by many other students * if I see her cry or you bully any of my brothers you are not going to have to deal with a very posed me because you see you 2 bullying  us has thought me something
Mar and Taeyoung were slightly scared but didn't show it because they didn't want to feel weak
The girls were watching everything
Jennie: Hot
Irene: stop swooning over my brothers and boyfriend cuz they are off limits
Chae: ok but I am kinda feeling scared a bit
Irene and Jennie: me too
Jisoo voice getting colder by the seconds and everyone  was getting chills : you see I am the devil himself and anyone who does something to my love one would then feel what it feels like got it * they didn't wait for them to answer and just walk away pulling Irene with them *
As the day went by they didn't apologize but they certainly got close to two little girls
After school everyone was walking home when they saw Jennie and Chae coming with both Mark and Taeyoung
Irene: wassup girls
Jennie: Irene, Taeyoung and I are dating
Chae: So are me and Mark
Lisa: ok so you wanna do something bad huh?
Taeyoung acting innocent: No
Seulgi: If you hurt them you will face hell got it
Mark was so scared : yes
Jisoo: good
Irene: come on boys
To be continued

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