Chapter 20: Investigation pt 2 (Kai is back)

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After bring them both in the solders saw us and saluted

" Captain sir yes sir!" Saluted the soldiers

The two guys were really surprised because at 20 years old he was at the rank Captain

" I want cadet Min to go for someone from the investigation team Cadets Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook to bring these two to the investigation rooms now" says Jisoo and went to his office and changed in his clothes

The cadets saluted and brought them to the investigation room

Jisoo called Liam and Seulgi to come to the headquarters

Jisoo called Liam and Seulgi to come to the headquarters

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Liam came but he was kinda limping

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Liam came but he was kinda limping

" Bro you good" says Jisoo

" Yeah I am good the doctors said I am going to be in crouches for about two months before I can start walking again" says Liam and look at his brother

" ok well take it easy ok" says Jisoo

" oh and hyung. Seulgi says he won't be able to make it he will be stays with the girls" says Liam

" Ok well let's go look at these asshats " says Jisoo and Liam follows him

When they reach the investigation room they saw the chief investigator Kim Hanbin

Jisoo and Liam saluted to him and bowed and he imitated the actions of his colleagues

" Captain you called" says Hanbin

" Yes sir today we found these two men in our school they were beating up Lieutenant Kim and almost raped his friend " says Jisoo

" Did you get any information on them " says Hanbin and looked at the two guys in disgust

" Sir I found out they are wanted in America for a lot of crimes and since I was at school I didn't think it would be a good idea for me to call the Americans about this so I figured why not bring them here so yeah " says Jisoo

" Okay good work captain my team and I will find out what is going on" says Hanbin and saluted at Jisoo and Jisoo did the same

Hanbin Pov

After talking to Jisoo I went in the room

" Good afternoon " I said to the two politely

They looked at me and scoffed I say nothing but next time I swear , nvm I called Lieutenant Kim and Captain Kim in here and have them stand right behind them

Those men can do their work good I ain't laughing it doesn't matter rain or shine sick or not they are  here at work.

" Now how did you guys get in Korea" I ask them

" None of your business " says one of them in which I believe is Jason Bourne

I turned to the other and raised my eyebrow looking extremely irritated

" Ok Ok we got a call one day and the guy offered us a free way passage here with out any one seeing us in exchange we must kill Captain Kim but it looks like we got the photos messed up" says  Net

" Net you fucking snitch " says Jason

" Well I don't care we touched a solider almost raped a girl we have never done that before I know you don't care about your life but I fucking do" says Net and he yelled back and started to cry

In the folder that Captain gave me , these two were best friends until Jason started to get into bad company and they started to teach him things

Net got kicked out of his house for dropping out of college and he joined Jason

" Who gave you that free passage" says Lieutenant

" I don't know his name but he told us to call him K-Kai" says Net still crying

Captain and Lieutenant looked in shock

" Are you sure" says Captain

" Yes we are sure a fucking hundred percent " says Jason yelling

I can tell you one thing don't you ever disrespect the captain

Jisoo held his collar and pushed him on the wall and says something that made him extremely  scared before he punched him in the face and walked away

I was going  back to my office to find about this guy when Captain called me and told me everything about this guy

It turns out Kim Jongin aka Kai was actually a cadet here but got released after finding out he and his parents had been using this girl named Jennie Kim who I think Captain has a crush on

For money he cheated on her called her a slut and so right now I think he is jail

He is supposed to get released in 3 years

But the question is how did he do it?

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