Chapter 23: Jennie getting kidnaped Pt2

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The men brought Jennie to an Avon fined warehouse and put her on the fair and cuffed her hands behind her with the handcuffs

" Boss she is here" Man 1 said

" Good job lets get this plan started" ??? Says

Jisoo POV

I am getting real impatient where the hell is Jennie

I tried calling but  that annoying voice kept on answering

" Argh" I yelled frustrated

" Still not getting her?" Liam asked me

" No" I said

I went to Jennie's parents and ask them

" Does Jennie car have a gps?" I asked

" Yeah it does" He says and took out his tablets and went on an app where they are able to track Jennie

I saw Jennie car icon  on a highway parked not moving

I took my BMW and drive to the spot when I went their what I saw got me shocked

It was Jennie's car crashed into a light post and the drivers seat window busted out with the door open

I ran to the car and saw a trail of blood leading me a little bit in front of the car before it just stopped

I called Mom and Dad and told them what happened and they rushed here after calling the police 🚔

" What is your name" Police 1 asked

" Kim Jisoo" I answered back confidently but a little nervous

" Do you know what happened" A police man asked me

" N..No I don't know I tracked her car and it led me here" I told them

" Why were your tracking her car" Another asked me suspiciously

" We got married recently and we were moving into our new house and I was beginning to get impatient because she told me she would be at the house in 30 mins and I got worried and I tracked her car and when I went here I saw this" I narrated to the officers and used a hand gestures

I tend to do that when I am nervous

" Ok well sorry for my partner here and don't worry sir we will get your wife back, and Congrats" The police Officer says

" Yeah sorry" His partner says and rub the back of his neck  nervously and chuckled

I chuckled back

" It's okay after all I am a solider so" I said and as I was about to walk away

" Wait you are a solider" His partner asked

" Yeah I am , But on break now" I said to them and then walked away

When I walked back to Jennie's parents and Mine only to find them looking extremely nervous

" What happened?" I asked

Jisoo's father Pov

My son was being interviewed by the police officers cuz he was the only one that was here when they came

While we were waiting dragon got a call



" Hello?"

" Mr. Dragon hasn't it been long"

" Who the fuck is this"

While they were talking I instantly recognized that voice ' Kim Jongin' A.K.A ' Kai' that little fucker

" Put it on speaker" J mouthed to dragon and he nodded I took out my phone and recorded the whole thing

" What do you want?"

" I  want Kim Jisoo"

" What do you want with him"

" No questions asked just bring me that fucker or your little girl gets it"

" You fucking have my daughter"

" Yeah ain't that right Jennie sweetie"

" Let me go you fucking physco I hat you let me the fuck go and I swear to god when I get out of this and if you are still alive I will fucking sue you and you bitch of-"


Holy fuck Jennie got fucking slapped and after that the call hanged up

We were standing when Jisoo came over

" What happened" Jisoo asked

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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