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So this one is slightly longer than the first and I hope it will continue that way for the future chapters. I will be posting every week, and remember I don't plan on abandoning this story and there will be no Finn bashing or any of the sort, he's just his usual dumb self. Artie, Mike, and Tina aren't in this chapter a lot but they are still there, just try squinting your eyes, and maybe you'll see em. Again, let me know if I should rewrite everything into a better version.

Chapter 2.


"AHHH! Get it away from me!" Finn was standing on top of a desk with a broom swatting at a flesh-eating Karofsky, hoping it would move on to someone else already.

"I'm trying!" Blaine yelled, but he jumped back every time the creature snapped his teeth at him.

"Why is he only trying to eat m-AHH! He almost got me! I'm gonna die!"

"Will you both just shut up? And stop moving so much! I'm trying to take a picture."

"What is wrong with you Santana!?" She shrugged, not caring for anything else- besides Brittany- just as long she gets a picture.

"Ohh! It's perfect! I got the perfect picture!"

"Let me see!"


"Oh my god-I just... Oh my god."

"Ms. Pillsbury...What did you do...?" Mercedes asked, sounding offended, she was hunched over in the corner of the choir room.

"I-I think I killed it?" Ms.Pillsbury let go of the bloody lamp that was stuck in his head and clutched her stomach. "Blaargh!"


I was in the mall parking lot strolling a cart that had a couple of my weapons in it, right now I was trying to decide if I should A) kill the couple dozen zombies that were roaming the parking lot, or B) just leave them there for someone else. I took my camera that was around my neck and took a picture of the zombies wandering around.

Hmm. Fight the zombies now, or possibly later...

Making my decision I pulled my gun from its holster, aimed, and quickly put a bullet in the back of the zombie's head.


"That was extremely loud." All of the white-eyed monsters were now staring at me."I'm guessing you guys think so too?" I put my gun back in its holster and grabbed my bat out of the cart, and swung as hard as I could at one of the zombies that were charging at me. The base of the bat broke open its skull with a satisfying squoosh. 

When I pulled back I pointed my bat at the next closest zombie to me, waiting for it to come closer, before taking a step forward and striking the bat into the stomach, so he bent down, then with the bat over my head I jumped, arched my back and slammed the bat onto the zombie's head. It was dead again before it even hit the ground. Could this be any more fun?

I took my other gun that was strapped to my thigh, except this one had a suppressor so I won't attract any more zombies near the mall. I took a deep breath and cracked my neck side to side. Ok, let's do this!


"That way." Sam instructed while pointing to the other side of the hallway. He sidestepped the dead person and slowly walked, with a tall trophy in his hands, followed by the rest of the glee club.

"Guys, what's that noise?"

"What noise?" Puck asked. All he could hear was hissing that sounded kinda like a snake.

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