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Here you go, the fourth chapter. I don't know if it's shorter than the others but the fifth one is a page or two longer. I hope you enjoy this chapter and will continue to read this story! If I should rewrite everything into a better version please let me know.

Chapter 4


"Watch out!" I shouted to Noah as I shot the zombie that crept behind him.

He stared at the body now laying on the ground."Yeah, thanks, Berry." He said when he finally got over the fact that he could have died just then.

"No problem. Watch yourself though, I might not be there next time." I responded. He nodded his head understandingly.

"God it's so hot for it being night," Blaine stated while fanning himself. We were only at the third house.

Sam and Mike were on the right side of the slowly moving SUV, Blaine and Santana were on the left, Noah and I were at the back of the car and I was pushing Artie.


"My feet hurt," Sam whined.

"Suck it up Buttercup because we still got a couple more houses left," I say as I take out yet another Walker with my 9MMs.

"So tell me, when did you get all these weapons babe?"

"Well Noah, I've had them for almost my whole life. So as you could imagine my family has been prepared for quite some time now. And I would appreciate it if you didn't call me 'babe'." I stated.

"How lo-"

"We're here!" Santana shouted for everyone to hear interrupting Noah. We were at Brittany's house, it was a two-story house, not too large, with nice tan walls and a chimney. There was a car in the driveway but the door was open. Santana helped Brittany out of the car so she could get her stuff.

"Remember to only pack things you need, like clothes, and food so one suitcase for your clothes should do it, and a garbage bag for the food please," I told Britt and Santana before they both walked in the house with their weapons at hand.

Rule #7: Travel Light

"It's so hot."

When Brittany and Santana came out of her house, Britt was holding a massive cat that probably had Diabetes, Santana was dragging two black garbage bags and a suitcase that looked like it was going to explode.

Great. A cat.


"Nope." Santana said, shaking her head.


At Rachel's house...

"We're going to stay here tonight and in the morning we'll be going to my bunker. Is everyone alright with that? Because if you are not, then that's too bad. You can leave now if you like." I told everyone after I was done cleaning up my father's corpse before they walked in. Nobody's parents made it. They were either turned or didn't make an appearance at their houses.

"Wait, you never said anything about going somewhere else." Artie said.

"And you'd wanna stay here?" I questioned. Seriously this place is crawling with Walkers, even I wouldn't want to stay.

He shook his head.

"Thought so. It's just about 6 hours outside of Lima, is that a problem for anyone?"

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