The start of something new

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This chapter contains smut but there will be a warning before hand.

Technoblade POV:

    It was just another day. The snow fell quietly around my small house. I'm not one for elaborate decorations or builds. That's Foolish's thing. I used to live alone but Philza built himself a house connected to mine. Tommy  used to live with me but he chose to go back to Tubbo. I've been betrayed before but I'll be honest that one hurt the most. I gave him food, armor, weapons and even a place to live. Hell I even lied to Dream about Tommy being here! Tubbo exiled Tommy and yet he still went back to him! I try not to talk about it too much, I don't deal with emotions very well so if I just pretend I don't have any then I can't get hurt.  

   I shake my head and climb down the ladder to the main floor. I walk over to my polar bear, Steve, and give him a pat on the head.  Just then I hear a knock on my door. Assuming it's either Philza or Ranboo I don't look up. 

"Come in." I called out. The door opened slowly. I turned around and see the figure in my doorway it neither Phil or Ranboo.

"Well this is a surprise. What brings you all the way out here?" I joked. 

"I, uh, came to see you." There was something different tone to his voice. Almost nervous?

"What do you need Dream?" I asked point blank. He took a couple steps towards me. I could smell alcohol on him.

"You smell like whiskey. Have you been around Shlatt? I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"I was around him yes but I'm completely sober." Dream looked up at me. His emerald green eyes a striking contrast to his pale skin and dirty blonde hair.

"Techno I need to ask you a favor. No questions asked  just trust me okay?"

"Am I allowed to ask the context of this favcor?" I asked 

A deep blush spread across Dream's face. "It's a...a sexual type of favor...." 

My eyes grew wide. Out of everyone he could ask, he asked me. As if reading my mind Dream quickly spoke up. 

"You don't have to if you don't want to! You don't even have to decide right now. I can  come back in a couple of days or someth-" 

I cut him off by pulling him into a kiss. Shocked that I actually did it. It only took a few minutes for Dream to melt into me. His lips were soft and warm. At least I know now he was telling the truth about not drinking.  Time seemed to stand still until we broke apart for air. 

"S-so is that a yes?" 

I smirked and took his hand. "Yes it is." I whispered in his ear.

(Smut is going to start from here, If you wish to skip look for the next line of bold text.)

I lead Dream up the ladder and into my room. I knew I added a bedroom for a reason. After we were both inside I turned and locked the door behind us. Phil and Ranboo have a habit of coming in unannounced and this I do not want them to see. I turned back around to see Dream already sitting on the bed. He looked eager but nervous at the same time.

"So how do you want this to go?  Soft, slow and passionate? Or hard, fast and rough?" I asked. He came to me for this so I wanted him to feel comfortable.

"Could we start slow at least until we get used to each other?"

I nodded and made my way to the bed. I cupped Dreams face in my hands and pulled him in for a kiss. I could tell his nerves had subsided as he slipped his hands under my shirt. His hands were cold as they slid up my sides. He tugged at my shirt desperately wanting it off. I pulled back from the kids and we each took the others shirt off. I pushed Dream down onto my bed. He seemed so small beneath me.

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