i missed you

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[y/n yoshi]
You head downstairs and into the garage and finally go pick up your best friend Loren

Loren or his real name Lee Seung Joo was your first high school best friend you made when you moved back from Japan. you both were the classes foreigners and slowly gravitated to each other and became unseparable since Loren was one of the few people who you adored dearly and spent your best moments with

you and loren finally arrived and we're catching up, guys went into some stores hoping to buy something but nothing caught your eye, about an hour later of walking around you guys start to get a bit tired and hungry

as you were walking toward the cafeteria of the mall someone caught your eye as he came towards you and loren's way you notice the person seemed familiar as they were coming closer you realize it was Yoshi, you were surprised since he was at home before you left

He walk up to you two completely ignoring you and asks "who's this?" referring to you loren

Loren responded in a harsh way "im Lee Seung Joo y/n's best friend"

Yoshi and him giving each other death glares he speaks up "I'm Yoshi, Yoshinori Kanemoto" that last name rung a bell in loren's ear and you noticed

You stand there confused then something clicked in your head remember how you guys were talking about families, then he was explaining his family history and how they had rivalry with this family and how till this day it still was going on

you looked back at him and gave him a shocked smiled you were so confused but it made sense they had money, nice cars, clothes, everything one would want you thought to yourself "what in the junkjook mafia story"

You shift towards Yoshi direction making eye contact with him there was something about him that made your knees go weak and you didn't like it
You quickly snapped yourself out of your thoughts

"Yoshiiii" you hear a boy call out

"who is that?" Pointing at the boys who walk towards his yoshi's direction

Yoshi gives you a shocked look "huh? Don't you remember them? jesus your brain is small" you look toward the three tall handsome boys who were smiling at you and it soon clicked

"sahi?! Mashi?! and  omg it that little haru?" You ran up towards them as they embarced you in a hug

"I've missed you guys so much what are you doing here in korea?!"

"hey i'm not your little haru anymore im grown now" he said with his arms crossed jokingly

"even when you're 30 you still be my little haru" you said messing his hair up

Mashiho smiles and chuckles "we've missed you too it been a while hasn't it?"

Asahi adds in "we just came here to work on some music and to come visit you guys of course"

You smile at the and hug them once again "im so glad you guys still are working hard"

"ahh our sweet little y/n thank you" mashiho responded

"we have heard some of you music as well you been doing so good" asahi says proudly

"ahh thank yo-" you said getting cut off

you hear someone cough slightly you look at a awkward loren you totally forgot about him

"ahh sorry" you give him an apologetic smile

"oh sorry how rude of us hello i'm Takata Mashiho, i'm Hamada Asahi and i'm Watanabe Haruto" they both said introducing themselves to Loren in korean

"yah Why didn't you speak to them in korean i felt left out" he said laughing

you smile "natural instinct i guess"

You all decide to hang out together since you missed them all and wanted to catch up more so they decided to play in some sport club at the mall

yoshi and loren decided to play against eachother while you, asahi, and mashiho decided to talk and catch up on the side lines some minutes into the conversation you guys stop and look towards yoshi and loren shocked

Yoshi was on the ground and gets up, pushing loren there's were loren thows the first punch, Yoshi wipes the blood of his lip chuckling

"Fuck" i whispered as mashiho and asahi rush in front of me trying to separate then

i tried helping but to my surprise i felt someone holding me back it which was haruto "no don't get involved your gonna get hurt we will handle it stay he-"
You get out his grip and run towards loren and yoshi

Yoshi sees you running towards them and steps back off and follows asahi not wanting you to get hurt, loren start to get out mashiho's grip

you try standing infront of loren to stop him "okay loren chill out" he completely ignores you and pushing you away harshly causing you to fall, you feel your face sting as blood rush to your lip and drips onto your dress

You were in shock, he had never put his hands on you in anyway to harm you. otherwise he always promised to protect you from anyone or anything.


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