cherry blossoms

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[y/n pov]

you began to walk towards him, you felt heart was bumping in your ears "yoshi i lov-" you got interrupted by mr.yoshinori

"what is all this noise you guys are making go to bed please" he said in a stern voice

we both look down and walk away avoiding eye contact with him as we both had very red and puffy faces

we walk upstairs in silence the walk up felt like an eternity you finally stop at his door

"so wanna talk tomorrow?" i spoke up  giving him a small smile

"yeah sure" he said sniffing

it hurt you so much to see him in this state

you nodded and made you way to your room you laid in bed and stared at the ceiling

"it feels unhealthy to love you this much y/n."

those words rung in your head the whole night, you couldn't believe it

i thought back to when we were kids, yoshi and i had been friends for a few months and overtime i started to develop feelings for him but he had liked with someone else.

~y/n flash back~

her name was katsumi or sumi for short
she had short dark hair, the prettiest eye smile and the sweetest personality.

she had came to visit her grandparents for the summer from Australia. i honestly didn't blame him for liking her she was perfect but i couldn't act like it didn't hurt me, sumi knew i had a crush on yoshi and encouraged me many times to confess my feelings to him but everything i tried to i felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter so much i couldn't even speak.

during the summertime me and sumi would hang out in the fields near by
there was this specific cherry blossom tree we all hung out by, we laid out a blanket and laid down looking up at the trees branches and just talked

"you know you can't keep your feelings for him inside forever y/nnie" sumi said

"i know but...i pretty sure he likes someone else." i said in a sad tone feeling a sting in my throat

you had seen yoshi and sumi sitting alongside each other from afar as you walked towards them quietly
yoshi began to say "yeah i've meaning to tell you this for a while....umm i kinda lik-"

you turned around and began to walk away you didn't wanna hear the rest it would've hurt you more

"awe y/nnie don't be sad i really doubt it you know the way me and the guys see it it's the complete opposite from what you think"
"i promise you." she said giggling and extended her pinky

we spent the whole evening talking about they boys and more stuff while we listened to our favorite song
that was the last time i saw her she had moved back to australia the next day and didn't tell nobody

~end of flash back~

you snap out your thoughts and decided to get up and change you needed some air.

[yoshi's pov]

i walked into my room and plopped in my bed i felt so exhausted i don't know what to do anymore i really like her

me and sumi walked towards the tree as we waited for everyone else to arrive i felt my heart start to flutter

"sumi can i tell you something?" i spoke up

"yeah sure, what's up?" she responded with a sweet smile

i helped her lay the blanket down on the ground and sat next to her my cheeks started to burn up just thinking about it

"yeah i've meaning to tell you this for a while....umm i kinda like y/n."
i said timidly
"WHAT REALLY?! you should totally tell her dude" she said excited
"i don't know how to, i suck at expressing my feelings" i said picking up a daisy from the grass

"just let her know how you feel, like how happy you feel around her, how pretty her smile is and how beautiful she yeah something like that before it's too late yoshinori" she said as she patted my head with a small unsure smile

"wow yeah i better hurry up before you try and steal her from me almost believed you were in love with her" i responded nugging her shoulder as she gave me a small laugh.

[end of flash back]

hmm now that im thinking about it...did katsumi like y/n?!
nooo that was her best friend i don't think she'd develop feelings for y/n but..

*knock knock*

my beloved readers i have returned i truly apologize for not updating when i promised to update forgive me 🛐 but i just want to thank everyone who has liked and saved my story even though i haven't updated in a while thank you ily guys and i'll try to write more for you guyssss <3!!!!

---my beloved readers i have returned i truly apologize for not updating when i promised to update forgive me 🛐  but i just want to thank everyone who has liked and saved my story even though i haven't updated in a while thank you ily guys and i'...

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new favorite picture of him red hair yoshi has a special place right along side blonde hair yoshi 😖

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