Get out

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[Y/n's pov]
I put on my headphones as i looked out the window looking at the rainy scenery of my now old neighborhood, I didn't have much of a attachment since I used to moving a lot.

i spent most of my childhood growing up in japan since my mom had to travel a lot for work. i fell asleep throughout the whole ride, my mom woke me up telling me we finally arrived! me still half asleep, i grabbed my book bag and fixed myself quickly

all of our clothes and other belongings got picked up and put in our rooms already so i didn't have to worry about moving stuff around which is the worst and most exhausting thing to do when moving

this isn't the first time i'm meeting my mom's fiance back in japan my mom and her now fiancé mr. Itsuki kanemoto were collage friends who ended up building a company together, that's how i met my best friends, Mashiho Takana, Asahi Hamada, Haruto watanabe and of course Yoshi Kanemoto

I haven't seen them in a few years since i came back from japan but i talk to them from here and there but i still miss them so much.

but back to my mom love story the kanemoto's decided to move to korea and now where here we arrive greeted by big and tall gates, we see that mr.K
kanemoto has already arrived. we park and get out the car i greet him and he nodded with a small smile isn't this awkward

i walk in and a lady named introduced herself "hello i'm miss kimberly, i'll show you to your room follow me" she said giving me a warm smile.

Miss Kimberly showed me up to my room it was a pretty spacious room, it had all  white furniture and all i had to do was set up my clothes, music equipment and decorate it my own style, i head out to look for my mom but i couldn't find my way through the halls. i hear loud disoriented music from a room down the hall from my room and like the nosy person i am i decided to figure out what's going on in there

I knock the door quietly, and obviously they couldn't hear me over the loud music. i peep my head and see a handsome teenage boy he look familiar?...omg it's yoshinori he looks up with a tired and annoyed expression they plan ride must have him tired, he noticed me and his eyes softened.

i realize and close the door quickly my face bright red i hear his music lower down "of course this only happens to me" i say while i laid my back on his door
Suddenly the door opened i fall straight onto the ground

"Could you keep it down? you know i can still hear you through the door?" He slightly laughs I look up at him with a face of embarrassment I apologize as he shuts the door

I get up dusting off my pants
When i see miss Kimberly i nervously laugh

"miss are you looking for something?" she speaks up

"aaha nothing just look for the bathroom" a fake smile plastered over my face

she raises an eyebrow up and said "there's a bathroom down the hall but you also have on in your room" she said point her hand down the hall

"Ohh right sorry" i bowed and left quicky.

"Idiot idiot idiot" i say still embarrassed, i decided to unpack my stuff i start with my clothes changing into something comfortable. i set my clothes up and then the tolietries in my restroom, i look in boxes pulling out my music equipment. i start looking for my computer in the boxes which is one of the most important things i own which had all my songs i pre-recorded or covered, set it up in a corner making my at home studio i set up my microphone, speakers, and finally put up my piano and guitar.

After unpacking everything i lay in bed looking up at the celling. I connect my headphones, playing my favorite playlist and slowly drift into a deep sleep. a few hours later i wake up to door open, probably my mom i close my eyes again and very loud music wakes me up i get up half asleep and annoyed soon realizing someone is in my room.

"heyy when the hell did you get in here??!" you said confused and annoyed

"Ehh not long ago heyy why are all your songs about love? Who broke heart?" He smirked that's when i realized he was on my computer going through my files

I run up to my computer closing the tab "mind your business, you don't see me barging into your room do you?" I said pissed

"but you did...this morning dumbass" he said giving a sly smirk i stand there baffled forgetting about this morning

i look at him annoyed "that was an accident but still I didn't go through you computer did i?"

"Whatever, plus you wouldn't be able to even if you wanted to" he snicked

I smiled "haha smart ass" i said mocking him as i walked of walking backwards

he rolled his eyes "okay?" and got back on my computer
I head out the door before he realized i'm already half way towards his room
"wait....YAHHH WHERE ARE YOU GOING" he starts running towards me i start running and lock his bedroom door i go onto his computer

"hmm what's your password?" i said looking at a locked screen

"Open this door" he said banging the door he soon stopped "ehh whatever you won't figure it out" he laughed to himself muffling through the door

I look around his room it's actually pretty cool i seeing he has his art work hung around his room, who knew this boy had so much talent. i then notice a sticky note
"HA" i scream enough for him to here me through the door

"is your password but any chance ynori00?" I snicker

It's silent for a few seconds "YAHHH OPEN THIS DOOR NOOWWW!!" He screams

I smiled to myself "i'll take that as a yes" and type it in entering going thru his files

i clicked on a song that caught my eye "hidden feelings" i click it and all the memories rush through my mind

~2 years ago~
it was hot summer evening, the sun blasting it's light and heat for the last time before it set down completely

"Yoshi!!, can you help me with this?" he looks up at you

"what is it?" he says walking up to you

"i need help your good at this. asahi and mashi are busy right now" you said pen and note pad in your hands

he reads through the lyrics and he pats my head smiling "wow this is really good I'll help you finish it then we can record it on my phone"

i smile and feel myself blush "haha alright then let's do it" we spent the whole evening finishing the song. he played his guitar as we both sung, recording it on his phone.

he finally comes in and falls
"yahh didn't i tell you to get out!" He says getting up slowly

"You still have this song? I totally forgot about it" you said with warm eyes

He looks at the computer and sees it

"y-yes now did you hear any other songs?" he said nervously

i smiled and responded "noo just our song caught my attention"

you could see a rush of relief fell opon him he let out a sigh and flicked my forehead hard "good, now get out"

As i head out his room i see my mom "oh heyy mom" a awkward smile plastered on my face

"i see you and yoshi are getting along again from all the noise I heard through the halls" she laughs

"yeah we are haha" i walk away back to my room and check the time and decide to explore this ginormous house.

-it's a bit short but hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to press the start let's me know people actually like or read this junk thank you 🥲

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