Chapter 16.6

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ILUB-2's Vegetable Production System takes up most of the module's floor and wall space. LEDs bathe the area in magenta light that gives Aula a headache. She inspects the pillows that encase each parsley plant's root ball. The roots feel firm and springy under her fingers. She inspects the herbs for any sign of unusual growth: roots that grow up and stems that grow down. But it seems lunar gravity and grow lights are sufficient cues. The smell of soil teases her nose. There's no soil here, but the idea of it is fragrant. Another echo of Earth.

She flicks the tender green leaf of one parsley before moving on to the next patch of plants. This time, it's several cultivars of lettuce. They're still small, being 5 days into their 14 day growth cycle, but her mouth waters at the prospect of their crisp clean crunch. The sting from her stitches is almost worth it. Green is the Moon's rarest colour. Even as she logs her progress on the laptop, it's hard not to stare at their odd little crop.

Someone knocks on the module hatch. Aula looks up to see Kelly.

Kelly nods as if agreeing with something. "Martin said you'd be here."

"Harvey." Aula sighs more harshly than she means it to. "What is it?"

"Oh, he didn't send me. He just said—never mind." Kelly flaps her hand like a flustered bird. "Can I join you?"


Aula leafs through each head of lettuce. They show no signs of disease or deficiency. They're brown under the LEDs, but she can feel their promise. Their leaves are so soft they're nearly velvety. It takes her a moment to realize how close Kelly is standing to her. She draws herself up to her full height, suddenly on guard.

Kelly steps back. "Sorry. I meant to thank you properly, but it always feels so awkward." She laughs a little. "Not as awkward as this, mind you. Jainey Mac."

"For what?"

"For...." Kelly blinks, stunned. "For getting us back here."

Aula squints. "It's my job."

"I know. My parents want to talk later if you've time."


"The weather, of course. It's a fierce summer back home. Maybe something about saving their youngest, but who knows?"

"They don't need to thank me for that." Aula takes her time typing notes about the garden's progress. "Neither do you."

Kelly tsks. "It'll only take a moment. You won't have to change your schedule."

The contempt startles Aula more than the words. She faces Kelly, jaw set against the pain. "I don't need gratitude for doing the bare minimum."

"I know, the great Grim Reed doesn't need anything from the rest of us mortal folk."

"It's not necessary." Aula closes the laptop abruptly. "I did what I was trained to do and we lived. That's competence, not heroism."

Kelly throws her hands up. "Why is this even an argument?"

"You're giving me something I didn't earn so you can feel special."

"I...." Kelly tilts her head slightly, face scrunched into a frown. "Jesus, is that how you look at it?"

Harvey's usually the one to get under Aula's skin, but she feels heat rushing up her neck and face. She glares at the far wall until the silence is excruciating. "I need to finish this."

"You closed your laptop."

"I know that."

"You're blushing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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