dating Steve Rogers

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A/N: do not touch me im busy wallowing in self pity. also tell me about fluffy steve scenarios to write or just think ab :'3
Summary: a headcanon for thee steven g rogers
Warnings: fluff, cheeky touching, language

 also tell me about fluffy steve scenarios to write or just think ab :'3Summary: a headcanon for thee steven g rogersWarnings: fluff, cheeky touching, language

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- you best believe dating Steven Grant Rogers is no walk in the park

- but you'd be damned if you said it wasn't heaven

- this golden retriever/veteran/geriatric has enough baggage for four lifetimes and lord knows he chose your doorstep to pile it allll onto

- i mean one look at you and he's trailing you like you have him on a damn leash. he'd probably trip over his own feet if you didn't tell him to stop staring at you.

- and he's a sucker for touch

- anytime he can get his hands on you, he will

- holding hands, tight hugs, butterfly kisses, hand kisses, good morning kisses, goodnight kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses

- he worships your mouth. seriously.

- bonus cause he'll just lay his hands on you wherever's comfortable. most commonly it's your thighs or butt.

- and its whenever, too.

- while he's reading, watching tv, cooking, you name it. he's gotta be touching you somewhere somehow.

- what can you expect?

- sure, he wasn't present and accounted for in those seventy years, but even afterwards he was hurried head first into war after war. do you rlly think he had off time to get a heartfelt hug from fury? no. i rest my case.

- and even before that, c'mon, he was sick, poor weak immune system baby. the most physical affection he got was probably from his ma or bucky.

- and he really appreciates how patient you are with him

- he is the embodiment of puppy dog eyes when he's struggling with PTSD/trauma/general heartache, and you just push his hair out of his damp eyes, kiss his forehead, and whisper

- "i'm here. take your time."

- he always feels so pressured to be a functioning part of society, but with you its like, just cause he doesn't know what star wars is doesn't make him an abomination

- and music nowadays? he does not get it. but you made him a playlist of your favorites after he got a little lost, and suddenly its all he can hear in his head.

- he could not be more grateful for this angel. which is one of the main reasons he feels the need to spoil you.

- if he's not using the pity money he gets from Tony for errands, he will most definitely spend it on you in na heartbeat

- chocolates, flowers, a spaceship? anything.

- ask and you shall receive.

- OKAY his favorite thing is planning dates. cause he can either go all out and rent you a limo or order takeout and pull you into his lap during a horror movie.

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