it will come back* (s. rogers)

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A/N: i think i just want chris to use his angry daddy™ voice please...
Summary: On a mission, Steve gets h̶o̶r̶n̶y̶ very very mad at you. 2.6k words
Warnings: smut, angerey stevie, bratty reader because i feel like being railed, so basically angry sex, minor jealousy

6k wordsWarnings: smut, angerey stevie, bratty reader because i feel like being railed, so basically angry sex, minor jealousy

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"What the fuck part of 'stay put' don't you understand?"

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"What the fuck part of 'stay put' don't you understand?"

"The part where you treat me like a goddamn toddler who needs a babysitter!"

"I wouldn't have to treat you that way if you didn't act that way."

"You're such an asshole."

Steve's grip on your upper arm is bruising, thumb digging into your scabbed-up gash. Blood and dirt caked thick over your uniform, skin peeking from the torn kevlar. Sure, you got a little cut, but you had also took out a cavalry of Hydra operatives while his back was turned. That's probably worth some scratch.

"Can't you just be a normal person for once? 'Captain mode' doesn't have to be on twenty-four-seven, you know."

"Yeah, well, if it wasn't, half of you would dead by now, and that would be my fault. Not Shield's, not your own, my fault." Steve stops in his tracks, turning to stare daggers at you, and for a moment, you swear there's some hesitation. A flicker in his eye that doesn't want this. Doesn't want to have to be this. But then he's back to dragging you to the med bay and you're not sure there's much sympathy left in the feelings-box you call a heart.

"Bruce, can you get some stitches on this, please," Steve growls, gesturing to the dried blood that cracks when you yank your arm away.

"Fuckin' hell, Steven, just go," you grumble and look up at him with a glare that tugs your eyebrows together in a scowl. And in your haste, you don't realize the space—or lack thereof—between the two of you and the tip of your nose brushes against his. But that glower is unnervingly unwavering.

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