A Kiss - A Test

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They all look at you, waiting what it will be, how you will test them. They are exited, but afraid to show it. Some of them are just afraid in general. In this moment you realize how much you love the power of reading people. And how much you love to have all their attention.
Now it's clear, coming here was the right decision, this can get you far and even more important, you are pretty sure it'll make you happy.

But of course you won't show that so easily to everyone else. Knowing that it doesn't take much to read a person, you learned to avoid that situation by showing almost nothing, except it's needed for a job. Then you can also fake everything. But they don't have to know that... yet...

You smirk and take control of the room again. You order everyone to stand around you, next to each other, so you can see everyone and they can see you. They follow without any questions and you can see why your obeying actions were always welcomed by your trainers. You can almost feel their curiosity dripping from them, like little puppies who get in a car, not knowing if you'll get to the doctor or the dog park, but definitely excited and pretty sure they'll enjoy the drive. You like that.

„I now want you all to close your eyes. I will go to each of you, one after another and try something. When I stand in front of you, you're allowed to open your eyes, but only then. If Friday sees you cheating, you'll get punished. And believe me, not in a pleasant way for anyone.
So when I do the test, just react naturally. Right on instinct, not many thoughts, just react.
Everyone understood that?", you ask them.
Silently murmured agreements and nods are the answer. You smile again.
Okay then, let's start!"

As they all stand around you, eyes closed you smile and go to work. You wonder how each of them would react. Sure they were not all avengers, but at least half of the team. The most important and known were there, also a few of the ones that were more the sidekicks. In general the strongest creatures on earth all in one room.

The first one, standing on your left side is Tony Stark. Of course the drama queen would be the first. How else could it been?
You step in front of him and then - you kiss him. You can feel how he gets over the surprise in fragments of a second and opens his eyes, immediately kissing back with passion. And tongue. You can see his smirk as you pull away and he closes his eyes again. He keeps smiling as you walk over to the next person in line.

A second before you kiss Peter Parker you can see the shock and realization on his mentor's face. You smile and lay your lips on the ones of the young man in front of you.
He's surprised, but kisses back sweetly, eyes shut close. How cute.

You continue your tour, Thor being the next in line. He muffled something in surprise, but pressed back harsh and still gentle.

Bruce was a really careful, but surprisingly good kisser, you could see a flash of green lighting up his eyes. That would be interesting.

T'Challa was a kind but strong partner, gripping your arms and holding you tight.

Strange was a bit stiff, but you could feel a little sparkle and his cloak wrapped itself around you, to be described as special at least.

Shuri giggled and leaned into you, very sweet and still taking control.

Sam gave you a little peck on the cheek after a simple and firm kiss.

Natasha's technique was amazing, she immediately took over the situation.

Clint in contrary just stood there in surprise, before he returned it with sweet passion.

Before Vision reacted, you saw his eyes glow up, researching everything he would need, before he pulled you closer and kissed you very well. Probably his first kiss, but these features would definitely be useful.

Scott began to smile as your lips met and he started fumbling with his clothes. He kept beaming as you went on.

Pietro kissed you back softly, as if he was afraid to wake up. He really understood how to put emotions into actions. His shy smile afterwards was just too cute.

As your lips met Fury's, he let out a silent "Motherfucker...", before he grabbed you tight and kissed you more passionate than you could have expected.
That caused a silent "Language!" from Steve at the other end of the line and Maria next to him tensioned with a worried look at her face.

But it soon became a smile as you kissed the agent and she melted into your arms. Hill had just come to watch over the others but you could see that she didn't regret participating.

Wanda's lips were soft as she carefully placed them on yours before you could even come close enough to do it yourself. Right, the mind reading. The young witch smiled as she let you go, winking before she closed her eyes again.

Bucky gripped you firm as he pulled you close and returned the kiss with sweet passion, gently caressing your cheek before letting you go again.

The last one was Steve, you could feel how nervous he was. He sure had to wait the whole time, not knowing what would happen. As you placed a kiss on his lips, you could feel the tension fall from him. He smiled against your lips as he wrapped one of his strong arms around you.
"Now I can understand Fury", he whispered as he eventually pulled back, smirking.

As you were on your way to return to the middle of the room, you realized that someone was missing. You turned around and Loki popped up in front of you, manifesting out of nowhere. He grabbed you and crashed his lips on you. The kiss was passionate, his grip almost painful, no question who was in control.
"Not bad, mortal, you'd make a good pet", before placing another kiss on your temple, this time gentle and sweet as he took your hand and bowed a little before finishing his sentence, "Or maybe something better, more personal..."
With thst, he dissapeared and stood next to Thor again, as if he'd never left. Complicated guy...  Of course he needed his own portion of drama.

You sigh with a smile looking at the people who call themselves the avengers. Soon there will be even more of them here at the tower, you can feel it. And they all were nice in their own way.
This job could become exhausting. But very interesting. Definitely better than what you did before and hopefully a lot of fun.

"Open your eyes" , you tell them and they all look at you as if they are just waking up, finding their way back to reality. Or they're just good actors. Who knows.

"So in general I have to say, I'm glad how well it went. There is a lot material to work with here. And I'm glad that I won't have to take control all the time. So just come to me whenever you need something. A partner for the day at the zoo, midnight cuddles or whatever else comes to your mind. I'm looking forward to it. "

With a smirk and a wink you turn around, about to leave the room.
"Wait a second, beautiful", you can hear Tony's voice echoing through the room, "So technically we got control over you, right? So you gotta do what we say or you get kicked?"
His tone is playful, but you can hear that he actually thinks something like that.
Gladly you had enough time to learn how to control yourself and any emotion. So instead of snapping, you turn around. Cool and with a challenging smile.

" Oh dear, I'll do anything, as long it's my job. So don't expect seeing me cleaning the dishes.
Believe me, you need me more to solve your problems, than I need to be here.
I can just go back and live my life, everything under control, handle my stuff. But can you do the same, sweetheart? "
Your mocking tone surprises him more than expected, alongside the things you said.
" So please, don't think I'll be  quietly obeying, because I won't. Except in certain situations...
I know what I'm worth.
So try me! "

With these words you actually leave the room, following the directions Friday's giving you through the earpiece to your chambers, smiling through your victory.



So I'm finally done with this and convinced myself to be pretty proud too.

I tried to get most possible characters in, just comment the ones you're missing, I'll make sure to add them.

And till now I only got two requests, so feel free to ask for whatever you want to read, no matter smut, fluff, support or anything. Same for ships ans characters.

Avengers In Need [Smut+Fluff] REQUESTS OPEN!Where stories live. Discover now