Bucky x Reader - Wonder

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Late in the evening, you hear a knock outside your door. It's already dark and you're fully dressed since you had a special plan this evening anyway, so you hope you won't be bothered for long. You are fully aware that it's your job to be available for every hero at any time, but still, one can hope...
You cross your room to the door, checking your look in the mirror one last time as you walk past. You love your look, a stylish outfit but still comfortable enough to feel great, perfect for a beautiful night out.

As you open the door, your visitor almost falls inside. Bucky, who is now standing in front of you, was apparently just about to knock again. You smile and pull him to his feet again.
How can I help you, Barnes?", you ask politely. You're not in a hurry after all. You have to stop yourself from smiling again as you watch him searching for the right words, almost looking shy, but definitely nervous.

I wanted to ask you if you might like to spend the evening with me?", he finally says and looks up into your eyes again. He notices your outfit and adds quickly: „But you do look like you already got plans, so no pressure."
Ow you really have to smile again. You shake your head as your answer.
Yes, I already have something in mind, but some company can't hurt, right? If you want, you can join me!"

Before you even have the time to ask him if he'd like to take the offer, he's already running away from your door. You stand there, startled. For a few minutes, nothing happens and you wonder if you might have said something wrong until you eventually decide to get going.
But just as you lock the door, Bucky comes running around the corner of the corridor. He has changed from his shorts and sweatshirt into a really nice turtleneck and dark jeans, he even styled his hair. You have to admit he looks really good.

He stops next to you, barely out of breath even though he must have been running the whole way here, from his room at the other side of the tower, on another floor. Damn these super soldier abilities, sometimes it makes you just too jealous.
He flashes you a smile as he runs his hair.
Sorry, I thought these surely would be more appropriate clothes for wherever we go and I couldn't miss the chance to accompany you. What do you think? Am I allowed to come?"

You can't help but smile back as you both start walking down the corridor towards the elevator.
Of course you let him join you, it was your idea after all, but no matter how much he keeps nagging, you don't tell him where you're going. Gladly you didn't have plans for the cinema or a concert, you would've had stress and one ticket less than needed for you two. But you're pretty sure he'll like where you're going.
So you keep smiling mysteriously the whole way and enjoy the interesting conversation.

Finally, after walking hand in hand for a while since you somehow agreed on not using a car or any public transport to enjoy the night, you arrive at the Central Park. Bucky still looks like he hasn't quite figured out what you're going to do and you enjoy his cluelessness for just a little longer as you make your way to the piece of lawn you'll probably spend the rest on the evening at.
It's hidden behind a group of trees, so Bucky can't see what's coming until you're most literally already in the middle of it.

He just stops in his tracks and stands there, gawping in awe at everything around him. The surprise is written on his face. You know he had his unsure ideas about where you would lead him, but he would have never expected this.
You're standing in the middle of a huge science fair. Everything is illuminated by colorful lightbulbs, most boots in their own color. Everywhere are people, presenting the newest technology and other incredible inventions, giving and listening to little speeches about new projects or just having fun. There are even food trucks working with alternative inventions and changing bands in the furthest corner of the clearing.

As Bucky doesn't move, you eventually pull him with you, through the people, towards the first boot that looks interesting to you. You knew this was the exact right place for this little science nerd.
His eyes are still dreamy and you can't stop smiling as he beams at everything, amazed by so many things he didn't get to see since he reunited with the Avengers.
You stroll along the different boots, his arm resting around your waist almonds all the time until something "incredible! fantastic!"  catches his eye and he breaks away from you to run towards It. Only to be back by your side soon after, pulling you closer and excitedly whispers new information into your ear. He does it all the time, letting you know his opinion, making snarky comments or joking about some of the projects projects and the people presenting them.

You enjoy the time with him, your heart filled with joy as you watch his excitement grow, rambling about anything that comes to his mind.
You are really glad he came to you this evening and joined you on your little night trip. You haven't been this lucky for a while, always going out alone so you try to savior every little detail, living every second to the fullest.
And you can feel him doing the same.
One time he jumps in joy at a newly developed prototype of a flying car and gets so excited, he picks you up and spins you through the air before pressing a kiss to your cheek and putting you down again.
You continue your walk as if nothing happened, but you can feel him glowing from the inside.
The whole time you're just as happy as he is.
And oh, what a great time you two have.

As you walk back through the trees, the air is full of buzzing fireflies.
It's an incredible beautiful and moving view.
You both rest against each other and you would swear you hear Bucky whisper "Best idea ever, you're truly a wonder..."

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