Pietro X Reader - Running Away

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It is a quite calm afternoon, almost everyone went on a mission or home to be with their families. Counting on some free time, you make your way down to the gym. Even if you weren't needed in combat lately, you can't risk to let your training slack. Sex wasn't enough workout to contain your fitness after all, even with superheroes involved.

Just as you are getting started with your stretches, you hear a silent swooshing sound behind you. Quickly you jump up and spin around, ready to defend yourself against possible attacks. But the room seems completely empty. There are only a few avengers left in the tower and you're the only one in the studio. A strange feeling creeps up your spine, still, as you can't spot anything, you eventually relax and stand straight again.

But just as you're about to take a deep breath, you hear it again and two strong arms wrap around your waist. You need all your self control to keep yourself from letting out a surprised squeal. Immediately you try to elbow your attacker, a well known voice caresses your ear, soft and comforting.

"Don't hurt me, shooting star~", he says, you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"PIETRO!", you spin around and glare at him. "Don't scare me like that!"

ou already know you can't be mad at him as he gives you pouty puppy eyes that quickly turn into a smirk.
"What happened to the shy sweetheart I met on my first day here? ", you ask chuckling as you hit his arm.
Pietro smirks as he pulls you even closer.
"Maybe he ran away ~", he answers with a wink.

You can't help but laugh as you lay your arms around his neck.
"What a shame, I don't think I'll be able to catch him.."
You pout but he just smiles at you.
"I hear he thinks of coming back to you~"
You smile back, fingertips caressing his hair.
"Well what does he want to do? "

To your surprise, a light blush settles on Pietro's cheeks.
"As far as I know, he'd like to take you on a hike. I hear he's carrying ladies all the hard parts of the way and no one gets you to the beautiful parts of nature as fast as he can~"
You chuckle and smirk at him.
"I'm intrigued, the man you're speaking of must be wonderful. If he gives me a few minutes I'll dress up and be all his~"

He nods, kisses your cheek and is already gone. While walking to your room to get changed, you can hear a loud cheer from the other side of the tower. Laughing you close your door and get over to see what outfit you should choose. He really is adorable.

Just as you picked a simple black shirt, a jeansjacket and cargo pants, someone knocks at your door. You quickly check your hair one last time and go to open.
Pietro is already waiting, wearing a bright smile and suit.
"Oh, you must be Mr Maximoff, pleasured to meet you. I heard lots of good things about what we're going to do today. "

You smirk and step outside, taking his hand.
"As unbelievable as it may sound, I can assure you they are all true~"
Smiling you both leave the tower, you still don't know what exactly he is planning, but you're excited for whatever it may be.

While you're still in your thoughts, Pietro picks you up out of nowhere and starts running. Your surprised squeak soon turns into joyful laughter as you hold tightly into him, clearly enjoying this way to travel.

After a while that felt like barely a moment, Pietro finally stopps. While he carefully lets you down, your attention is already completely at your surroundings. You have no idea where you are, but it's incredibly beautiful. Behind you is a dark green forest and a few steps ahead the stone plateau you're standing on ends and offers a stunning view over the coast. You hold your breath, trying to take in as much of nature's beauty as you can.

A silent chuckle from behind you finally shakes you awake. Pietro is looking at you, amazed by the clear wonder in your eyes.
You turn around and hug him.
"Beautiful", you smile at him, softly.
"Like you", he answers and takes your hand.

Soon you're both sitting on the edge of the cliff, legs swinging over the abyss while the sun is slowly sinking into the sea.
Pietro caresses your hand in his lap.
"Thank you for coming with me today", he says as he puts his other arm around your shoulder to pull you closer.

You turn to look at him, relaxed. It was a welcome turn in your day and you enjoyed the beautiful time.
"Thanks for inviting me", you answer, smiling, "but I believe it's time to go back?"

He nods but doesn't attempt to get up yet. Instead, he gently cups your cheek and moves closer to your face.
"Just this, one more moment only for us?"

Of course you can't deny him his wish, smiling soft, you close your eyes and lean into him.

Your lips collide carefully, he's almost shy again, before he gently buries his fingers in your hair and adds a little pressure.

While the light of the day drowns in the sea, the two of you sit above the world, happy, together.

I hope you enjoyed this new "chapter", I'd rather say new adventure.
And as you can see I only need that kick of motivation to get something done (this chapter spawned out of this book being added to a "needs to be updated" reading list), therefore just text me, tell me what you like or just that you like it and I'll pretty sure have some more stories added soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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