Dashingfrost - My Little Soldier

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The next morning you wake up and can't quite handle the full truth coming for you at once. Holding your head you slowly sit up and turn to the clock on your nightstand. It's already around ten. Since when could you sleep that Longmont a normal weekday ? But probably it had something to do with the hours you spent awake last night...
You force yourself out of bed, into your personal bathroom and get dressed.

About half an hour later you enter the kitchen in the common area, surprised to see many of the avengers sitting there together, chatting and eating breakfast. Your stomach guides your attention to the lack of food you've gotten yourself this morning. You easily find a free spot at the table, quickly getting seated and making yourself some breakfast too. You catch eyes with Clint for a second and you both slightly nod, before paying attention to your food again.

You listen to meaningless conversations, watch them joking and fighting for fun until someone suggests to watch a movie together.
To your surprise, everyone agrees, no one has a better plan for the time till lunch or they were just happy to skip training lessons. But since they all decided this together, there would be no one left exercising alone and angry.
Tony raises his voice and requests a few things from Friday and soon the adjacent common room with a small tv has turned into a darkened cinema, including rows of different heights, a huge screen and fresh popcorn popping up next to each seat.
You're amazed. These guys really live a luxurious life and it's constructed perfectly.

A few minutes later, everyone found a place next to people they're comfortable around and the movie begins to play. You're happy because it's your favorite one, but considering the chances, it probably isn't a lucky coincidence, more likely a planned little welcome. At least no one fought about what to watch. It's way more peaceful than you expected.

You happily watch the story unfold in front of you, as you notice something to your right in the row before you. It's Fandral, sitting on Loki's lap. You recognize the Asgardian from a few pictures you were shown when Fury was talking about friends and enemies you had to know. But you didn't notice him arriving at the tower and you're sure you haven't seen him at the breakfast table.
Anyway the thing going on there suddenly becomes way more interesting than the movie, since you already know that one by heart. So you shift your attention to the two men, watching and listening.

You have to admit, the two are pretty cute together. Loki is caressing Fandral's hair while the other man nuzzles into him. They cuddle like two baby animals that haven't seen each other in forever. And that's probably true, you heard that the other Asgardians can't come around often, so they've probably been separated for a really long time. Or at least long enough to miss each other.

You watch how Loki gently places a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. Fandral responds by shifting in the god's arms so he can boop his nose with his own. Too sweet to watch. You can't decide whether you should want something like that or need to womit...
But you decide that it's just cute, probably nice to see Loki in a healthier relationship than what you got to watch last night. That guy really is interesting.

The two Asgardians keep cuddling and sharing soft kisses, so you pay attention to the movie again. Everyone deserves a bit privacy, even more when you really need it in a tower packed with people like this.

They continue their sweet couple actions through the whole day, until Fandral has to return to Asgard late in the evening.
They both look really sad, you can feel tears dwelling up in your eyes as you watch them hug each other almost desperately.
Then Loki whispers „Goodbye my little soldier" and kisses him, his eyes closed.
As he opens them again, his lover already disappeared.
It breaks your heart how lost Loki suddenly looks and you invite him to come stay with you and have a tea. To your surprise, he agrees. You hug him and walk off to the apartments.
The two of you share a great and calm evening, both enjoying it.

So I finally got through this too.
I hope you like it

And come on

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