Chapter 6

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My parents made the whole detention thing a bigger deal than it needed to be. I tried to explain that it wasn't my fault. But, like always, they shut me down. It was already going to be Thursday tomorrow. I was pretty anxious about detention. Considering that I had never been in any kind of trouble before. It also didn't help that i was serving detention for Mr. Desario.

I couldn't get much sleep last night, though I didn't feel drowsy. It was 5:00 a.m. There was enough time for me to shower and possibly style my hair. I grabbed the clothes I planned on wearing today and put them on top of the bathroom counter. I then grabbed my phone and plugged it into the charger picking my favorite playlist for music. I felt sort of stuffy- for lack of a better word, so I left the water mildly cold. Not freezing, just cool.

I shampooed my hair and washed my body, before rinsing it all out. A couple of hairs falling from my scalp. I put conditioner in it and let it set for a few minutes while I enjoyed the music that was playing. Once I felt it had been in long enough I rinsed the product from my hair.

I stepped out onto my floor mat and dried my body off. I proceeded to wrap the towel around my hair. I checked the clock and it was barely 5:29. I brushed my teeth and took out my blow-dryer.


I walked into first period and it didn't really register to me what was going on, so what do I do, I panic. "Where is Mr.Desario?" I asked frantically. The young woman behind the desk looked startled. I quickly realized how strange this seemed and settled down.

"A family matter dear," she smiled. She then proceeded to read a loud the instructions the teacher left and called roll.

I frowned a bit trying to control myself. To be quite honest I'm not even sure why I care so much. I cleared my throat "do you know when he'll be back?" I steadied my breathing.

The lady sighed looking up from the desk like I was bothering her. "No, now have a seat," she barked. I rolled my eyes taking my usual seat in the back. When I walked own the aisle I could feel everyone's gaze on me and it was making me uncomfortable. I slumped in my desk starting on the worksheet she handed out.

I worked diligently just so I would have some free time. When I was finally done with all the work we had today I checked the time. There was still a solid 20 minutes before the class bell rang. I smirked whipping out my phone and clicking on a random game I had to keep me entertained.

Slipping my headphones in I figured I'd watch Netflix while I had a quiet place to be. Ten minutes into my show I was enveloped in what was happening on my screen. That was until someone pulled a headphone out. It was that skanky substitute.

"If you would've been listening you might of heard instructions clearly," she said trying to snatch my phone from my hands. I looked at her as if she was a mad woman. She stood her ground as did I.

She smirked returning to his desk swaying her hips in the skirt that hardly covered anything. She opened the drawer pulling out a pink paper. She began scribbling away grinning devilishly. Then walked over to table handing me the paper.

"You can spend the remainder of the class with the principle." She smiled showing her straight yet yellow teeth. I grabbed the paper and my stuff beginning to walk through the hallway. I started reading the things she wrote. Insubordination, disruptive, disrespectful, etc. Of course when she had to write what happened she exaggerated the situation.

As I made my way down the hall I realized I had no idea where I was going. I began to get worried and probably looked like a lost puppy dog. Once again this place was just a maze. I tried main hall first which would make the most sense to keep the main office there. I was right. At the top were the words Main Office painted in our school colors blue and gold. I entered not sure where to go.

'The principles office is the second door on the right," the lady behind the desk stated with a consistent monotone voice.

I hesitantly entered his room not sure how to go about this. Once he saw me he sighed putting his pen down and gesturing for me to have a seat.

"Ah, yeah the young lady that thinks its okay to disrespect our guests." He pursed his lips. I didn't argue.

"Well when students do these kinds of things we take it seriously. Not only do you male yourself look bad, you make the school look bad. And that's an issue."

"I propose a week of I.C.S." he added. I didn't know what ICS was.

"In class suspension. You will report to Mr Desarios room and stay until 5 doing loads of work in silence." He seemed pleased with himself. Though I wasn't quite sure where the punishment came in. Since when is that a thing? In class suspension?

I nodded my head not in the mood to argue about the stupid thing anymore. He dismissed me proceeding to make a phone call. Probably to my mother to fill her in on my 'misbehavior'.

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