Chapter 7

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I scrambled up the stairs trying desparately to make it in the classroom on time. There he was, his facial structure seeming more prominent this morning. He frowned as I jogged towards his class the last few echoes of the bell lingering in the air. He shut the door promptly behind us clearing his throat.

"Ms. Ross, I'll need to see you after class for a moment." Before I had time to comment he turned swiftly on his heels adjusting his blazer as he began to write on the whiteboard.

A grimace involuntarily etched onto my face. I took a seat trying to focus on my assignment but failing. What did he want to talk about anyways? Whatever it was it left an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Of course I began to play out different scenarios all of which were ridiculous.

Sooner rather than later the bell rang, I watched as my peers scattered out of the aisles through the doorway in a disorderly fashion. I took my time gathering my things as I waited for him to speak.

"Emily," he paused to clear his throat again and I patiently waited for him to continue.

"I was informed that you would be serving ICS with me. However, I don't exactly find it—appropriate, so Im asking you to sign this, simply stating that by signing you understand that starting tomorrow you are to report to Mr. E's room to serve your time in ICS." He sighed giving me the paper.

I scoffed trying to suppress a giggle. It was quite baffling this whole ordeal. Though I wanted it to be over I signed the paper leaving his class without another word. After lunch I skipped fourth period and went down by the lake. I sat down on the grass attempting to skip rocks. Eventually I gave up laying down gazing up at the sky.

My stomach started to rumble so I got up walked down the street to my favorite fast food place, Sonic. I sat down and ordered when I noticed a kid from my Geography class sitting at the corresponding table. I felt awkward causally walking up to him and chatting, but he initated conversation with something along the lines of "skipping for a decent meal too?" I smiled gesturing for him to have a seat though he was already sliding into the bench.

"A.J., I think i have you for Algebra," he smiled shaking my hand.

"Emily, nice to meet you."

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