Chapter 13

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I somehow managed to convince my mom into letting A.J. come over. Only for a school project. Well, it wasnt necessarily a group project, but he wanted to hang out and we both needed a second pair of eyes to proofread our English essays. He came over and might I say he is very charismatic. Sweet talking my mom and speaking of sweets he brought brownies. I had no idea he was in the brown nosing business, but I guess a little bit of kissing up to her couldnt hurt.

But then they kept going on and on talking about anything and everything. I was tired of shifting on my feet uncomfortably while they talked away. So, I grabbed a few brownies a cold water for both of us and pulled A.J. up to my room. "Okay mom we gotta get started now." I shouted speed walking to my room.

"Well that was rude." A.J. scoffed. I rolled my eyes ignoring him thinking whats rude is my mom hogging my guest.

"We're here to build a strong case on why zero tolerance is a good/bad idea. NOT to talk to the evil witch-- ahem, I mean, my mom."

My mom decided it was time for me to get over the fact that she was back with Liam so I wasnt allowed to dwell on it or bring it up again. As always, she pretended everything was fine and forced me to go along with it. I wasnt happy about but what can I do? Im a minor and she is my legal gardian, sadly.

Anyways I pulled out my essay accidently getting a little chocolate on the top left corner. Son of a bitch. Im gonna look like a fatass who eats like a slob. I mentally cursed at myself making sure my hands were clean before I marked anymore of my papers.

"So, are you crushing on anyone yet?" A.J. asked. I thought about his question for a while. I dont know if it could be called a crush, but the things I was feeling for Mr. Desario were less than appropriate. Therefore unspeakable for the time being. I simply shrugged finally giving him an answer. He smacked his lips pushing me playfully.

"C'mon, you clearly gave it some thought. Meaning there has to be something." He said trying to get a name. Oh, if he only knew who I had a thing for. He would be disgusted. I myself feel uneasy about this whole ordeal but nonetheless I wanted to pursue it.

"I dont kiss and tell." I smirked feeling satisfied with my answer. He rolled his eyes but left me be. Though I figured I should pester him a bit.

"How about yourself? Any pretty girl that youre interested in?" I asked eating another brownie and washing it down with some water.

"Yeah but im not sure I should tell her. She's completely oblivious, but I kinda dig it." He winked rummaging through his backpack. He pulled out his crumpled essay and smoothed it out with his hands.

"Oh?" I attempted to get more out of him but he just waved me off. It seemed to get a little tense so I tried to ease it with some humor. "Are we going to braid each others hair and give one another make overs?" I joked turning on the tv looking for something to watch. He looked confused. "Because we're gossiping so much." I explained in which he nodded his head making an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Okay listen we've already wasted a few hours doing nothing. We gotta finish our essays." I sighed grabbing his essay from his lap. I was reading through it and it became harder to see. His handwriting was light and sloppy but that wasn't it. My vision was blurring. I shut my eyes tightly and opened them but that only made it worse. I felt light headed and fuzzy inside. "Looks like it's settling in." A.J. winked at me. I looked at him confused until I realized what he meant.

"No you fucking didn't." I gritted my teeth. Pot brownies. Did he seriously bring pot brownies as a gift to my house.

"Relax. You're always so tense at school. This is suppose to help you chill out loosen up a bit." He said nonchalantly clearly not understanding how upset I was. It didn't bother me that he smoked, that was his life.

"You can't just fucking do that without my permission, Andrew. If I wanted drugs I would've gotten some. I don't understand how you could think that this is okay?!" I tried to keep quiet so my mom wouldn't hear me. I was starting to freak out. I never got involved with drugs because I was too afraid to try anything. Also, the paranoia I was feeling only made matters worse.

"You need to leave." I yawned. I started to feel drowsy as my eyelids became heavier and heavier. I turned my back to A.J. as he gathered his things and left. He tried to apologize but I wasn't having it. The smirk he had on his face when he saw me start reacting to his 'baked goods'. He wasn't sorry for shit. The longer I sat there the more I began to panic. The thought of my mom checking up on me at any given moment was making me anxious. So, I figured, I gotta tell her before she finds me.

I ran into the kitchen where my mom was sitting staring at the wall. "Whose idea was it?" My mom asked sitting up straight. I sighed trying to get my heart rate to return to normal.

"His. I had no idea," I tried to explain but she apparently wasn't having it. "Oh, really? You keep this behavior up Em, I'll send you to your father." She said getting out of her chair.

"If only we knew who he was." I commented. She quickly countered my remark by slapping me hard across the face. I stepped back in shock.

"I know who he is. He just didn't want anything to do with you! And honestly I can see why." She yelled. That hurt. A lot. She bumped my shoulder walking past me, but I pushed her. "You can't just treat me like this." I yelled back she stumbled taking a minute to regain her balance. I ran out the front door and all the way down the street. I didn't stop until I reached his window. I tapped on it repeatedly until he squinted at me and quickly let me in.

"Can I stay?" I whispered. He pulled me into his warm embrace nodding shushing me while I quietly sobbed into his shoulder before passing out on his bed.

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