Chapter 16

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While we waited for the stuff on the grill to finish cooking a lot of people thought it would be a good idea to go for a swim. We played around for a bit had swimming contest and played the basic pool games like Marco Polo and so on. Finally we were all called to eat. I drip dried grabbing a steak and corn on the cob having a seat and making the sign of the cross before digging in.

The steak was so juicy and was everywhere including on my dress. Shit.

Jake who was sitting in front of me let out a chuckle. I excused myself to the washroom to soak the stain before it was set kicking Jake in the process. He nodded wiping his mouth excusing himself to the bathroom. I sprayed my dress with stain remover as Jake came in making sure no one saw him come in after me.

"Need some help?" He raised his eyebrow. I felt an unsettling feeling in my stomach like I was doing the wrong thing. But it didn't stop my growing crush on him.

"What are we doing?" I asked letting out a sigh. He looked down pausing for a moment.

"Nothing that we both don't want." He answered trying to convince me.

"But you're my teacher" I breathed out.

"Emily, do me a favor. Look me in the eyes and say you don't have feelings for me." He said his eyes boring into mine. I opened my mouth to speak and took a deep breath.

"I - I don't have feelings for you." I said playing with my hands. He scoffed which turned into a chuckle.

"What do ya know she looks even cuter when she lies." He stepped closer an closer until our noses were touching I instinctively closed my eyes. He pressed two fingers to my wrist and let out a cackle still not moving away. "You sure you don't feel anything, princess? Your heart sure says otherwise. It's okay though I've got time." He smiled leaving me in the room dumbfounded.

I dried the stain with a paper towel and waited a few minutes before returning outside. I grabbed my plate and threw it away my stomach flip flopping around inside took every bit of appetite I had left. Instead of sitting at the table I went over to the other side of the pool to talk to some people my age along with Tom.

"Why don't we play truth or dare." Ah, yes. The typical game that is always played when there is a teen gathering. Hmm, goodie!

"Me first," I said.

"Okay. Truth or dare?" The kid that suggested we play asked.

"Dare," I answered feeling confident.

"I dare you to strip down to your knickers and jump in the pool." She smirked.

I looked at Tom worriedly. He sighed nodding already knowing what I was asking of him.

"Who says knickers anymore?" I asked Tom as we both stripped down to our undergarments.

"We'll do it." I smiled.

"You can't do that." She scoffed.

"Too late." I smirked grabbing Toms hand and jumping into the cool pool. It wasn't icy cold just cool enough to take away the tension from this humid night.

Once we resurfaced we had developed quite an audience. Including Mr. And Mrs. Hudson. Though they didn't look angry, more strained from trying to keep from laughing.

Me and Tom swam to the shallow part of the water and took a bow. Laughter erupted from where Toms parents were standing.

Soon it was like a domino effect. One after another after another jumped in. I watched as both sides eagerly dropped their clothes and jumped into the pool. Jake included. Wasn't gonna lie I was totally checking him out. I never really payed attention to his toned physique. His sculpted biceps and his defined abs had me mesmerized. Though I quickly turned away before he caught me looking.

"Wanna see who can hold their breath underwater the longest?" Tom asked. I smirked the tense smell of competition.

"You're on." I sucked in as much air as I could and went under. I held onto the wall so I wouldn't float back up. My ears filled with water. My lungs started to contract. I slowly let out the breath of air I had been holding. I waited three more seconds and quickly surfaced to the top again.

When I looked Tom was still under. There is no way he's been under This entire time. After a few seconds he resurfaced. "Thomas Andrew Hudson. Did you cheat? " I scolded him.

He smiled sheepishly meaning yes. I shoved his arm playfully. I looked over to the side watching Jake. His eyes were glue to his phone. Tom noticed me staring and chimed in. "Gross, way too old. But if youre looking i can hook you up." Tom winked at me. I nodded not paying attention as to what he was saying.

"Great, ill set it up and give you the details." I gave him a small smile directing my attention to Mr. Hudson who was calling our names.

"Tom, Em, time to get out. Dry off for a little bit and we'll get going." He informed us. We got out searching for the towels.

"Here," Jake said tossing a towel to Tom and handing one to me.

"Thanks." I said as I dried my body off and wrapped the towel around my body.

"I saw you checking me out, Emily." He smirked making my cheeks heat up.

"Totally." I rolled my eyes sitting on a pool chair ringing my hair out.

"Alright kids lets go home. Mrs. Hudson called out. We got out of our chairs saying goodby to everyone.

After i got to Toms place i went to the bathroom scrolling through my phone. I started the water debating something. I shrugged deciding to go for it.

Sorry about earlier, i didnt mean it.

Message delivered at 10:48.

Oh, boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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