Chapter 2

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Mr. Desario -

"Lead the way Mr. Desario." She said stepping away from the door. I gave her a warm smile stepping out into the hallway that was still crowded with people scrambling to get to class on time. I started walking through the quickest route to E building I knew. I placed a hand on her lower back guiding her through the mob of people.

She tensed up a little but quickly relaxed. Once we got to a clear pathway I tried easing up the tension. "Sorry about that. Oh and you can call me Jake I'm not that old not important to be called by my last name." I chuckled.

"How old are you?" Her voice seemed laced with excitement.

"21." I replied already knowing what her next question was going to be.

"I graduated high school early and started college early." I added while she simply nodded less confused.

"Well, here we are." I said standing in front of a well decorated door.

"She seems festive." Emily commented.

I let out a small laugh. "Have a good day Emily." I bided her goodbye walking off.

"You too." I faintly heard her call out followed by a door opening and closing.

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