Chapter Thirty - One

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*Tayler POV*
"She's beautiful and so so small. She's just so delicate. She needs her mom baby. Please come back to me." I whisper against Thea knuckles that I have in my hand.

Our little girl was born a week ago. Thea is still in a coma. Doctors are optimistic she'll wake soon.

The End.

Sorry I couldn't resist ;)

"Tayler?" My mom walks in to the room. "It's time to meet the neo team." I glance at my watch and then place a kiss on the top of her head.

I walk with my mom down the to neo unit. As we're walking, I take in how people just seem to be walking around with a care in the world. So carefree. How I wish to be like that again.

We walk in to the unit and greet the team. "I must say Mr Holder, you're little girl has certainly surprised us all. We are happy to let you take her home. Now any difference in her appetite or temperature, make sure you bring her back in."

"Y-yeah of course. It's definitely safe to bring her home?" I double check.

The doctor chuckles. "Perfectly safe Mr.Holder.  First time parents. Nerves are expected. But take home your daughter and enjoy. Hopefully her mother won't be to far behind her."

I nod and take the clipboard from him and sign the discharge forms. I give my mom my keys to grab the car seat from the car. I return the board and they advise me to come back in twenty minutes.

I leave the unit to check on Thea before I go. As I'm walking up and looking in to the different rooms, I notice Abel. Hunched over his crutches.

I open the door and step inside.

"She really did a number on you didn't she?" I lean against the door.

He looks up and sighs, sitting back and looking up at the ceiling.

"I am done with her. She's a psycho. She is all yours."

"You know what Abel, she would have done any girl a favour by ending you. But apparently for some strange reason, God has a plan for you."

I turn on my heel and leave the room. I continue up to intensive care. I step in to the room and take a seat next to Thea and taking her hand in mine.

"Our little girl is coming home baby. I need you to come home too. Come back to me soon sweetheart." I stand up and place a kiss on her forehead and head down to Neo to bring my daughter home.

*Kelianne POV*
"Guys! Their here!" I scream at the house.

"Out of the way y'all. I need to introduce myself to my new princess." Markell literally bursts in to the hallway.

"Markell!" Nate hits him over the head. "Indoor voice! You don't want to scare her either!"

The door opens and Tayler steps inside followed by Wendy. We immediately rush over and all gather in a semi circle while we coo and gush over this little dot in a huge car seat.

We follow Tayler in to the kitchen and he places the car seat on the island. He unclasps the buckles and gently lifts her out and places her delicately on his chest and she snuggles in to him.

I can't get over how tiny she is. She's just so precious. We're distracted by a knock and see the Sway boys.

"Is that my niece? The next party animal legend?" Bryce smirks walking in.

"My daughter will be far from a party animal I can tell you that much!" Tayler shoots him a playful glare.

"Bryce, is your mom on the way?" Wendy asks making coffees and teas for everyone.

"Yeah she was boarding her flight a while ago." He replies as he carefully takes the baby from Tayler.

*Tayler POV*
"Okay guys, I think we're going to make a move and head back home. Kelianne you riding with me?" I ask as I clasp the straps on the car seat.

"Yep, just let me grab my bag." She turns away and leaves to go in to the kitchen of the compound.

"I'll pop over tomorrow bro, before I go to the hospital if that's good with you?" Bryce asks looking up from his phone.

"Yes sir. Just let me know when you're on the way." I fasten the last clip.

I hear my phone ring in my pocket and take it out of my pocket. I look at the caller ID and it's the hospital.

"It's the hospital. Here take her." I hand the car seat to Bryce.


"Hi, may I speak with Tayler Holder?"


"Tayler, this is Dr Newman, calling in regards to Thea."

"Has she woken up?"

There's silence.

"Has she woken?" I ask again.

"Mr Holder. I'm so sorry to tell you.."

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