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Two years later

Moons p.o.v

Winter, Moon, Kinkajou, Turtle and Qibli sat in the prey center. Turtle and Kinkajou were sitting beside the prey pile and Moon heard Kink ask "Turtle, want a squid?" She Held the slimy creature in her talons. "Yeah you know I love these, thank you Kink" he said smiling at her and he took the squid out of her talons. Qibli was sitting alone on the other side to were Winter and Moon were sharing a goat. He looked sad as he watched the two couples talking. "Winter? I need to tell you something. In private" Moon said and half dragged Winter with her out of the prey center into the corridor. "What is it beautiful?" He smiled at her. Moon blushed slightly and put on a serious face before saying "Winter, I am pregnant with your egg" She showed Winter the lump on her belly. "What really? Well thats fantastic" he said smiling. "C'm here you" Winter pulled Moon closer by the waist and kissed her. They broke of and Winter asked "should we tell our friends?". "Yes but not the dragonets of destany, yet" Moon said and started walking back to the prey center where Kinkajou and Turtle had started an food fight and were throwing fruits everywhere. Qibli had a smashed mango on his head not looking too happy about it. "Hey, guys can you come for a minute? We need to tell you something" Moon called to their friends. Turtle and Kink stopped throwing food everywhere and looked up and started walking side by side. Qibli stood up and shook the mango from his scales than joined them. When they all sat in front of the pair Moon said "I'm expecting an egg" the other dragons looked at her in shook and Qibli looked down on the ground by his talons. Moon saw that a little tear dripped from his eyes. "Really? That's fantastic. What are you going to name it?" Kink said jumping up and down. "I was thinking maybe Moonshard if it is a girl and Frostmoon of it's a boy" Moon said and looked at Winter who smiled.

A week later
Moon stood up from her nap and went to find Winter, the lump on her belly had gotten a little bigger. She walked towards Winter sleeping cave, when walking around a corner she dumped into a sand colored dragon. When She looked up Qibli stood in front of her with a surprised face. "Oh, Moon hi" he said nervously and slightly blushing. "Oh good to see you Qibli. Where are you headed to?" Moonwatcher asked smiling. Qibli Smiled back and said "to the prey center, you?". "I'm looking for Winter, is he in your sleeping cave?" Moon asked nodding at the entrence of a cave further down the hall. "Oh, I think he is out hunting. See you later Moon" Qibli said and walked past her, Moon nodded and sighed. She had to wait for him to come back since Winter didn't want her to get tiered or overwhelmed.

A couple of hours later
Moon saw the hunting dragons come back when She looked out of a hole in the wall of the mountain. She ran to the prey center and saw when Winter and the others put their prey in the prey pile. She ran over to him and whispered "I think we should tell the dragonets of destany" She looked at him as she nodded and smiled. Moon started walking but stopped when Winter didn't follow and looked over her shoulder and said "come on, are you frozen or what" playfully. He smiled and caught up to her and they started walking side by side. When they arrived at the teacher dorms Moon said "I think we should tell them that we've found a cave to live in now that we are at the end of the final year here" Winter nodded and they knocked on Starflights door. The blind Nightwing opened the door and said "Who is it?". "It's Moon and Winter. We want to tell the dragonets and their partners something" Winter answered Then looked at Moon who nodded. Starflight nodded and said "one second" and closed the door. A couple of minutes later the dragonets of destany, Fatespeaker, Riptide and Deathbringer came walking down the corridor even Peril walked behind them keeping a safe distance. "Winter, Moon what did you want to tell us?" Clay the Mudwing asked smiling at them. "Can we talk in private?" Moon asked. "Sure" he said and they all walked through the doorway leading into the teachers rest room. Peril stayed outside since She didn't want to burn anything or anyone. The other sat down around a table and looked at Winter and Moon. "Uhh, yes the thing we wanted to tell you" there was a wierd silence before Winter started talking again "Moon has an egg and I am the father" the words just slipped out and he started blushing. The teachers looked at them in shook. "What? Really?" Sunny said looking at them with happy eyes. Moon didn't understand, what was the little Sandwing/Nightwing happy. "It's okay, you are propably wondering Why we aren't scolding you for expecting an hybrid" Starflight said and turned to Glory and Deathbringer who said "Glory has an egg out in the forest that She laid about half a year ago" the black and gray Nightwing seemed extremely proud of soon being a father. Moon and Winter just stared at them with confused looks on their faces. "So it's okay?" Moon said who was still in shock. The dragonets of destany nodded and so did the other dragons. "There is something else we want to tell you" Winter continued and looked at Moon who started talking "well you all know that is is the Jade winglets last year on jade mountain academy so we have been looking at some caves and found one that we're going to buy" The other dragons nodded and Moon continued "and it's not far at all from here, acually is is in the mountain beside jade academy" "well that's fantastic" Tsunami said and smiled. "We were wondering if we could stay here until Moon has layed the egg, it should be three months to that". "Of course" Sunny said smiling.

A year later
Winters P.O.V
Winter had gathered all of their friend in their new cave and they were laughing and playing games. Moon, Sunny and Fatespeaker was watching the egg in a room beside the livingroom. The others were playing truth or dare But they had to keep quiet since the egg was propably going to hatch the same night. "Winter truth or dare" Deathbringer asked and looked at him with his gray eyes. "Truth" he responded. "Did you have a crush on Moon all the time or did you reslize it after some time" Deathbringer said presenting the truth while grinning. "I don't know acually, but propably the whole time" he said slightly blushing and continued "Okay my turn, Riptide truth or dare?". Riptide looked at him and said "truth" just before Winter presented the dare a surprised yelp came from the hatching room and Fatespeaker called "Winter come Quick, the egg is hatching.

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