Sareiria's dare for gentleman, mr cheese, mother, player and veteran

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Dare: play inhumane.


Veteran: Why do the bats need batteries?

Mr Cheese: *chasing Player around with the bat*

Player: *Screaming his lungs out while running from Mr Cheese*

Mother: *Trying to stop Mr Cheese from chasing Player*

The Gentleman: I'm not sure, but let's check the paitent rooms.


(At the paitent rooms)

Player: So where do we get the paitents?

Mr Cheese: There's a button moron.

Player: Oh.

Mother: I don't think we should be experimenting on other people-

Mr Cheese: Relax, they're just robots.

Mother: Oh.

Veteran: I got the virus!

The Gentleman: What number.

Veteran: Idk but it's blue.

Mr Cheese: Well let's test it!

Mother: Why is he hanged-

Mr Cheese: I stablised him, now Player you test it.

Player: What- why me?

Mr Cheese: Just do it! 

(Mr Cheese pushed Player into the room, Player takes out the vile and stabs it into the paitent with hesitation and quickly leaves the room to avoid any accidents, the paitent heads began to grow as soon as Player left the room, it grew until it was as big as the room, and ending up exploding.)

The Gentleman: So the cyan one is explosive

Player: What just happend-

Mr Cheese: He exploded.

Mother: And none's concerned?

Veteran: Yeah imma just 

(Veteran left the game)

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