Athirahman's dare

114 1 0

Dare: Spend 3 days with the aul dementia incident

for Player, Thegentleman, Mr Cheese, Captain, Mother and Mr Egg

-----------------------------------day 1

The Gentleman: Is his memory getting better?

Dementia Gentleman: Sadly, no.

The Gentleman: Not a single bit of progress?

Dementia Gentleman: No, instead it seemed to have gotten worse, often forgetting his name at times.

Mr Egg: So you just found Mr Cheeze on the floor lifeless and the next time he talks to you he doesn't remember anything?

Dementia Gentleman: Mhm...

Mother: What a poor thing!

Mr Egg: Do you know what could of caused this memory loss?

The Gentleman: Well, no, but appearntly there's a crack in his skull, so I'm assuming that may be the cause..

Mr Egg: Well the cause of most memory losses is Alzheimer's disease or drug usage, most likely Alzheimer's disease since a cause of it can be head injuries. If he does have it then I recommend he should practice mindfullness.

Dementia Gentleman: Thank you for the suggestion.

Mother: Hopefully he'll get better soon.

---------------Meanwhile with the others

Mr Cheese: What do you mean you don't remember me?

Player: Come down Mr Che-

Mr Cheese: Shut up Player

Dementia Cheese, writing: Sorry- I just don't recognize you, I honestly thought you were a mirror-

Mr Cheese: I was the one who gave you the notebook and you don't remember?!

I gave him the notebook-

Mr Cheese: Shut it Madam

Player: You do know what memory loss is right?

Captain: I thought he had dementia-

Dementia Cheese, still writing: Once again, I'm sorry.

Player: There's no need to say sorry

Mr Cheese: Yes there is-

Player: Shut up Mr Cheese, so what do you like to do?

Dementia Cheese: Playing games are fun!

Player: Just among us or are you into anything new?

Dementia Cheese: Terriria

Captain: What's a terriria?

Mr Cheese: A minecraft rip off.

Player: Shut up Mr Cheese.

------------------------------------------Day 2

Mother: If you take notes down, it might help you remember more!

Mr Egg: Try to practice mindfullness more often.

Dementia Cheese: Thanks!

Mr Egg: Also you should try to write down what we just said.

Dementia: Got it!... What did you guys say?

Mother: I'll just write them down for you.

Captain: Other Mr Cheese! I just downloaded terriria, can we play it!

Dementia Cheese: *thumbs up*

-----------------Meanwhile, the sequal

Mr Cheese: I'm bored.

Player: You said that twice.

Mr Cheese: That's because none of you payed attention.

The Gentleman: Have you been getting more sleep?

Dementia Gentleman: Well I've been trying to.

The Gentleman: Oh, well-

Mr Cheese: Why are you from a dementia au when the other Mr Cheese doesn't even have dementia?

Dementia Gentleman: Oh, it's just based of the EATEOF mod.

Mr Cheese: What's that.

Player: A mod

Mr Cheese: Oh wow so spefic

Dementia Gentleman: It's where boyfriend has dementia.

Mr Cheese: Was it really that hard to explain Player

Player: I never played it idiot

--------------------------------Day 3

Mr Egg: Are you sure you don't remember what caused the incident?

Dementia Cheese: Yes.

Mr Egg: Do you remember anything before that?

Dementia Cheese: No.

Mr Cheese: He has memory loss and you expect him to remeber stuff? You really are a dumb dorck mooron.

Mr Egg: Remember* Dork* Moron*

Mr Cheese: Oh shut up.

Player: You expected that as well.

Mr Cheese: You also shut up!

Mother: quit arguing you 3!

Mr Egg: We aren't arguing, it's just Mr Cheese.

---------------------Meanwhile, the final part

Captain: What happen to you hat?

Dementia Gentleman: Hm?

Captain: It looks a bit broken

Dementia Gentleman: Oh, looks like I'll have to get a new one.

The Gentleman: You can borrow one of mine.

Dementia Gentleman: Oh, thanks!


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