Dare: Play Idol Party with Axel and make the ships get married!
The Gentleman: So this is what it's like being an animoo
Mr Cheese: I dibs the suit lol
The Gentleman: Hey!
Captain: Why does Mother look so down?
Player: I'm not sure, we should ask.
Veteran: Wait a sec, who's Axel?
Mother's ex husband, apperntly, aperntly? Aperrently.. Aperentley!, How do you spell Aperently-
Veteran: How old are you.
Captain: So I'm assuming it's Axel making her feel a bit down.
Player: I'll see if she's ok
Player: Hey.
Mother: Hm? Oh, hi Player!...
Player: Um, are you feeling alright?
Mother: I'm feeling fine, what about you?
Player: Good, you sure your fine?
Mother: Yeah, I told you.
Player: Even with Axel?
Mother: Who told you about him.
Player: Madam.
Mother: Oh, well I'm personally not bothered with him being here.
Player: Oh, and uh, where's Timmy and Franklyn?
Mother: At home.
Player: Alone?!
Mother: Oh of course not! Mr Egg's baby sitting them.
Player: Why didn't you bring them still?
Mother: They didn't want to come.
Player: Oh, well uh, about the upcoming wedding, how are you feeling about that?
Mother: Well I'm glad Mr Cheese and The Gentleman are getting married!
Player: Cool, so um... What do you want to talk about now?
Mother: Anything is fine.
Player: Oh well um-
(The auther didn't know what to write next so this was cut short, sorry for the lazy writing)
Veteran: Notice how the dare said make the "ships" get married instead of only saying The Gentleman and Mr Cheese
Captain: Yeah, might be a typo.
Veteran: I know that fandom dude, it's not.
Captain: So who are the others?
Veteran: Me, you and Player
Captain: Wut
Veteran: I think.
Veteran: Oh yeah, no offense to PlayVetCap shippers btw.
Veteran: Anyways, I also assume Mother was supposed to be Mother and Axel.
Veteran: But they are divorced for a reason.
Among us logic dares sequal
RandomYou can dare Player -Veteran -TheGentleman -MrCheese -MrEgg -Captain -Stoner -Mother -Blue/Monster -Not Orange -Engineer -Gnome -Goober -Bro -Ninja -Angel -Sheriff -Bday -Rose -Greaser -Cub -Noob -Ria -No-Visor -Aiden -Punk -Rooki -Flamingo -Baggy ...