Simplyiigiselle's dare for Veteran, The Gentleman and Mr Cheese

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Dare: Play bitlife


Charecter playing as: Olivar Mc Dongah

------------------------------------------0yrs old

Mr Cheese: Wow we dumb, only 10% smart

Veteran: We're currently 0 yrs old what do you expect?

The Gentleman: How convinient, I have a sister named Ella

Mr Cheese: Wow we have 65% on looks? Must be ugly

The Gentleman: I don't think that's how it works

Veteran: Let's see some acsessories, headware of course

Mr Cheese: But I don't like the flippy flappy hat or the cool karen shades

Veteran: Fine!

--------------------------------------------1 yr old

Choose a toy!


-Picture book



The Gentleman: If we choose the book, we'll get smarter

Veteran: But it's a picture book-

The Gentleman: Choose the book

and so they choose the book, they're now 19% smart

----------------------------------------------------------2yrd old

Jeff wants to be your friend!


Veteran: Sure, Jeff's a cool name

Mr Cheese: Over 50% crazy.... Sweet!

The Gentleman: He's smart, we can learn from him

after the befriending

The Gentleman: We got dumber?!?!

Mr Cheese: By only 1%

Veteran: We gonna ignore the corn stuck in our nose-

-------------------------------------------------------------3yr old

Alzono wants to be your friend!


The Gentleman: He's not so smart-

Veteran: So? Let's befriend him anyways

The Gentleman: We just got dummer.

-----------------------------------------------4yr old

Your getting vaccinated, how do you act?


The Gentleman: Stay calm

Mr Cheese: BITE HER!

The Gentleman: No

Veteran: Surprise us!

The Gentleman: Well atleast it chose stay calm

-----------------------------------------------------5yr old

The Gentleman Finally, school! Now we can get smarter!

Veteran: I wonder what's the picture book's about

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