Chapter Seven

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It was around half eight when we headed for dinner. Reagan and I had been talking for a while when Jase mind linked Re telling us dinner was served. Reagan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my new bedroom.

She dragged me down both flights of stairs to the ground floor, there were still people mingling around but most were heading to the dining room, which was located by the front door. I had taken a glance when I came a day ago.

She shoved me into a chair in the middle of the large table and then she took the seat to my right. Jase took the seat across from her with the other guy that had captured me, what was his name again..., Lucas, I suddenly remember. He was very handsome indeed.

"Help yourself," Reagan gestured to the food lying out on the table. There was everything, bread, fruit, vegetables, pasta, beef, pork, chicken, pizzas, and so much more. I really wondered if they could eat all this food.

"Wow, there's so much food."

"I know right," Reagan laughed. "It's not like this every day but because it is Saturday more people join for dinner, therefore have more options."

"It's Saturday," I stated, I hadn't know what day of the week it was for a long time, there was no need for me to know because every day was the same to me.

"Yeah it's Saturday, didn't you know?"

"No... I haven't known what day it was in a long time."

"Oh right," she sighed.

I watched as they all piled food onto their plates, I wanted to do the same but I didn't want to seem rude. The next thing I knew was an arm reaching over my head to the mixed vegetables and a spoonful falling on my plate. Next they went to some of the meat that looked so juicy and delicious and plopped it down. "Eat up Little Rogue," a sexy voice said behind me once they had finished piling my plate with food.

"Thank you Alpha," I muttered, somehow I knew it was him when he spoke to me, there was something about his voice emanated power and I kind of loved it.

"You're initiation will be next month on the full moon," the Alpha stated. "If you want to join my pack."

I nodded in reply. If a new wolf joined the pack on the full moon they had a ceremony in which they joined by sharing blood with the Alpha, this was the same ritual that was done for those on their eighteenth birthday, the one I missed out on.

The Alpha took a seat at the end of the table, I could tell that his pack admired him as most of them wanted to talk to him.

"So what's it like being a rogue?" someone said to me. I turned towards the voice and saw that it was Lucas that had spoken.

"Lonely," I told him truthfully. "For the years I was a rogue, I was lonely. I mean that there was literally no one to talk to, it was easy to get depressed. I did join a couple of packs for a short while but I never really fitted in, they could tell that I was a wolf but I never shifted in front of them and I was an outsider so they never trusted me."

"Right, sounds lonely. I'd hate to be a rogue, I love the pack vibe," he told me.

"Yes but you're the third in command, you're always going to love that vibe, you've grown up to take that position," I explained to Lucas, he didn't know what it was like to be excluded from everyone.

"Why did you become a rogue anyway?"

I sighed, I knew I would have had to tell them eventually but there's no time like the present. "I was hated by everyone in my pack. I couldn't stand being around them anymore, they didn't initiate me into the pack because they thought I couldn't shift."

"But you can shift, Lucas and I saw you in your wolf form," Jase said confused. I knew everyone at the table was listening to me, they wanted to know the story of the rogue wolf.

"I know but they thought I couldn't. Anyway the day after my eighteenth birthday I decided to leave, I had been planning on leaving for a while and I knew on that day I needed to leave. I didn't belong anymore, I never did really."

"What did they do to you?" the Alpha growled, he almost seemed angry at what had happened to me.

"Well for a first I was excluded from my own kind, they didn't believe I was one of them, two I had no friends after Reagan left, they teased me because of my height, there has never been a wolf as small as I am, and three I barely graduated high school because even the teachers hated me. I couldn't be myself there."

"I'm glad you left," Reagan smiled at me. "Otherwise you wouldn't be here right now, and I wouldn't have my best friend back."

"Me too, but I miss my parents, I wish I could pick up the phone and call them," I felt tears well up in my eyes, I missed them so much.

"Why don't you?" Reagan said, at that moment I realised that she didn't know about them. The boys were quiet not saying a word, they knew that I had to tell her.

"Reagan, they died two years ago." She let out a loud gasp and tears poured from her eyes.

"Oh my goddess," she cried wrapping her arms tightly around me. "I didn't know." This hug was amazing, I felt so loved in that moment but this just intensified the loss I felt about my parents.

"It's okay Reagan, they died in a rogue attack that was blamed on me."

"That just makes it worse," she choked. "If you ever need to talk about it, you know I'm always here, I'm your sister Ember."

"You're mine too," I tightly hugged her. "I need to be excused." The tears were overflowing my eyes, I didn't want them to see me cry; I didn't want to seem weak.

I rushed out of the room and up to flights of stairs to my bedroom. I unlocked it with the key I was given. I threw myself onto the bed as soon as I entered, slamming the door behind me. Hot, salty tears streamed down my face as I buried my face into the pillow.

Thinking about the past bought up all of the feelings I had about my parents, I wished I got to say goodbye to them properly one last time. Maybe if I had stayed I would have died with them, we could have been together.

I soon fall asleep from exhaustion. Crying really takes it out on you.


Chapter Seven complete.

I thought I should add a picture of Jase - I really love Tyler Blackburn so he had to be Jase.

I hoped you enjoyed getting inside November's head a little more.

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Libs x

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